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Attachment "A" <br /> Previously Approved Findings for Major Subdivision Application No. PA-0500143 <br /> 1. The proposed subdivisions are consistent with the General Plan, the Master Plan, Specific Plan III, <br /> any applicable Special Purpose Plan, the Public Financing Plan, and any other adopted plan <br /> adopted by the County. <br /> This finding can be made because the analysis contained in the staff report has shown that <br /> the proposed subdivisions, applicable Mitigation Measures from the EIR and conditions of <br /> approval assure consistency with all applicable adopted plans <br /> 2. The design and improvements of the proposed subdivisions are consistent with the General Plan, <br /> the Master Plan, Specific Plan III, and any applicable Special Purpose Plan. <br /> This finding can be made because the design and improvements of the proposed <br /> subdivisions described in the project applications and the project descriptions of the staff <br /> report, meet the requirements of the General Plan, Master Plan (as amended for the project), <br /> and Specific Plan III. The design and improvements of the proposed subdivisions provide a <br /> variety of housing opportunities for future residents as evidenced by the size, number, and <br /> variable lot sizes for medium density residential development, and the parcels set aside for <br /> residential medium-high density residential development. The three subdivisions separately <br /> and collectively meet the residential density requirements of adopted plans. They each <br /> incorporate a coordinated system of auto, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities that <br /> provide efficient access to commercial and public destinations (e.g., K-8 school, <br /> Neighborhood Park, Community Park and other open space corridors) both within Specific <br /> Plan III and the Mountain House Master Plan area. The subdivisions include a hierarchy of <br /> roadways capable of accommodating the transportation needs of the land uses proposed. <br /> Individually and collectively the subdivisions contribute to the creation of distinctive and <br /> livable residential developments within each designated neighborhood and reinforce the <br /> importance of education by featuring the K-8 schools as a neighborhood focal point design <br /> element. The design and improvements of the proposed subdivisions have also been found <br /> to be consistent with MHCSD adopted plans and programs (e.g., MHCSD Design Manual and <br /> MHCSD Roadway Landscape Plans). <br /> 3. The sites are physically suitable for the type of development proposed. <br /> This finding can be made because the sites are physically suitable to accommodate the <br /> proposed residential, commercial, and institutional uses (e.g., K-8 school, Neighborhood <br /> Park, Community Park and other open space corridors). This analysis is based on the <br /> improvements proposed; the assessment of the hydrology and water quality of the site; and <br /> the absence of potential, significant impacts to biological resources within the project site. <br /> 4. The sites are physically suitable for the proposed density of development. <br /> This finding can be made because the area proposed for development is adequate in size to <br /> accommodate the density of development, consistent with the Master Plan (as amended for <br /> the project) Specific Plan III and Development Title, as amended. To the extent that there are <br /> any inconsistencies the conditions of approval contained in appendices 10, 11 and 12 <br /> assure compliance with stated requirements. <br />