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L <br /> ` October 17,2005 <br /> NOA Project Number: E05120A <br /> 2.3 USGS Topographic Maps <br /> The topographic quadrangle depicting the subject property is the U.S.Geological Survey,Clifton Court <br /> Forebay,California,quadrangle map. One 7.5-minute map dated 1999 was available through Microsoft <br /> Terraserver. <br /> In the 1999 map,four structures and an agricultural pond are depicted on the subject property. High- <br /> voltage power lines cross the northwest corner of the property. An irrigation canal defines the eastern <br /> property line. One well is depicted approximately one-third of the way up the eastern property line. <br /> The subject property is depicted at 80 to 120 feet above mean sea level,sloping down to the northeast <br /> at a rate of approximately 40 feet(vertical)per mile (horizontal). Surrounding properties are depicted <br /> as vacant land, an orchard,a dairy, and scattered residences. <br /> This map is included in Appendix C of this report. <br /> 2.4 Interviews <br /> An attempt was made to obtain historical as well as current information relative to the subject property <br /> from the property owner or key site manager of the property. An Environmental Questionnaire and <br /> 6. Disclosure Statement was completed by Ms.Joanne Kimbrough, daughter of the current owners, on <br /> September 6, 2005. A copy of her responses has been included in this report as Appendix E. <br /> In her responses to the questionnaire, Ms. Kimbrough indicated that her parents,Joe and Lillian <br /> Machado,acquired the property in 1980. She stated that she and her husband,Bruce Kimbrough,have <br /> operated the dairy from 1980 through June 2005. To the best of her knowledge,the property has been <br /> L used as a dairy since 1950. She indicated that water is provided by an on-site well, and domestic <br /> wastewater is disposed by an on-site septic system. Agricultural water is collected in the ponds. <br /> r Ms. Kimbrough indicated that a house and milk barn on the property were built in the 19508, two <br /> garages were built in the 1960s,and five mobile homes are also present on the property. She was not <br /> I aware of any structures which have been removed from the property. <br /> Ms. Kimbrough stated that a 1,000-gallon above-ground diesel storage tank is located on the subject <br /> property. She indicated that a Shell Oil pipeline that crossed the subject property was abandoned in <br /> 1960. Other than the tank and pipeline,Ms.Kirnbrough was not aware of any tanks,chemical storage, <br /> chemical spills, or agricultural chemical applications to the subject property. <br /> in Bruce Kimbrough was interviewed in person during the site visit on September 6,2005. At this time, <br /> he indicated that the manure ponds were installed in 2000 and utilize approximately 19 percent clay. <br /> He indicated that the fields are irrigated with a mixture of pond water and water from the Irrigation <br /> li. District Mr.Kimbrough stated that there are no trash pits or bum piles on the property. He indicated <br /> that the only agricultural chemicals he has applied to the property are Roundup and similar products <br /> for weed control. The above-ground storage tank has not moved from its current location,he stated. <br /> r <br /> 4 <br /> ion <br /> lr <br />