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1 <br /> 7ofdeeper percolation testson Parcel C also exhibited acceptable permeability. Pere test. ummarized and illus ow <br /> Table 1 below. Sufficient soil "fines" exist within the <br /> encountered soil to impede rapid percolation, which would occur in a sandy soil. Therefore, <br /> treatment of septic-effluent can take place within this soil environment before reaching the deep <br /> water table. <br /> (§ 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4) A Log-of Boring using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as <br /> observed from the deep pere.test borings completed on each of the four proposed Parcels is found <br /> on the EHD PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET. Generally, the underlying soils show a dark <br /> brown clayey silt-silty.clay.with very fine sand down to four feet, and then progressing to a light <br /> brown, fine sandy silt.: Cemented.silts hardpan was encountered in all of the test borings beginning <br /> at approximately eight feet below.grade. Hardpan density varied from soft to the deeper <br /> test borings, and was notably soft in the Parcel C deep test. Below approximately 12 feet is clay soil <br /> down to 25 feet. <br /> (§ 6.1) Percolation testing was conducted in the locations as illustrated on.the Tentative Map and <br /> SJC Parcel Viewer Map,found in Appendix 3.: These test-locations maintain sufficient distance <br /> requirements between wells-and property lines. Test sites were determined by the owner of the <br /> property, Mr. George Nahas, and based upon where he anticipates the future siting of residential <br />- structures...He is aware that if the structures are situated outside of the 100-foot radius from the pert <br /> tests conducted, EHD can require additional perc testing in the new location(s). <br /> The following information describes the preparation of the percolation test borings and the actual <br /> percolation testing: (§ 6.2, 6.3.and 6.5) On Monday, May 10, 2010, 0900 hrs, shallow perc test <br /> borings of 40 and 42 inches and deeper borings of 11.5 and 10.25 feet were drilled on Parcels A and <br /> B. On Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 0900 hrs, shallow perc test borings of 40 inches and deeper borings <br /> of 10.75 and 11.5 feet were drilled on Parcels C and D. <br /> The sidewalls of each shallow boring was scored with a pry-bar and the loose material removed <br /> with a hand au er. The dee er borin s were reamed-out also with a hand auger, <br /> . g p gwhich provided <br /> detailed characteristics of the cemented sandy silts hardpan. Two inches.of fine gravel was placed <br /> at the bottom and three-inch perforated PVC pipe was inserted in each of the eight test borings. All <br /> perc test borings were then pre-saturated with 12 inches of water on Thursday, May 13, 1000 hrs, <br /> approximately 24 hrs before.testing. <br /> (§6.4) On May 14, 2010, 0800 hrs,percolation testing commenced for both shallow and deep test <br /> borings for all four.proposed Parcels. Observed standing water after the 24-hour soak period in the, <br /> test borings is illustrated in Table 1 below. For the test borings with no standing water, EHD Pere <br /> Test Procedure#2 was conducted. For the test borings that had standing water after the post soak <br /> period, EHD Perc Test Procedure-#] was conducted. <br /> The last half hour of all the tests-was witnessed by Mike Escotto, R.E.H.S. of the EHD. The <br /> maximum acceptable per rate is 60 min/in for shallow perc tests, and 30 min/in for the deep perc <br /> tests. The minimum acceptable perc rate is 5 min/in. Consequently, the shallow perc tests for subject. <br /> Parcels A, C and D possess acceptable percolation; while only the deeper perc test on Parcel C <br /> possesses acceptable percolation, <br /> - <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />