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ti. <br /> system is used extensively in areas of high water table or high clay content soils; however, it is <br /> comparatively expensive to install. The second option is to eventually increase the size of the <br /> sumps. Whatever option is chosen, we are recommending that funding be earmarked for the <br /> potentiality of on-site septic system modifications or replacement. <br /> III. NITRATE LOADING FINDINGS <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The initial investigative factors of any nitrate source identification procedure involves the <br /> assessment of the site to inventory and identify all potential sources of contamination. Although <br /> this study encompasses the Douma Dairy Facility, nitrate impact to the underlying groundwater <br /> basin has occurred from the various sources of agricultural production. The collection of data <br /> concerning the atmospheric, surface and subsurface hydrology of the project is important. In <br /> addition, initial chemical analyses of soil and groundwater is of importance to interpret evidence <br /> of nitrate contamination and to assess the total nitrate loading of the subject facility. <br /> This Nitrate Loading Study identifies all on-site sources of nitrate impact which is a portion or <br /> percentage of the total nitrate amount. The nitrate loading potential of the subject facility <br /> originates from primarily six sources, fisted in least-to-greatest potential: 1.) Liquor runoff from <br /> silage and other types of feed, 2.) On-site septic systems, 3.) The corral areas, particularly the <br /> open corrals, 4.) Wastewater holding ponds, 5.)Manure storage area from the mechanical <br /> separator and 6.)Manure and wastewater application to the facility cropland, along with existing <br /> soil organic matter. <br /> It is important to recognize that source loading analysis should not be to necessarily determine the <br /> precise amount of NO, originating from each of these sources since this cannot be done <br /> accurately, but rather the loading analysis should be to estimate the maximum possible amount of <br /> NO, coming from each source so that sources deemed insignificant can be eliminated from further <br /> consideration. Each of these sources and their potential nitrate nitrogen concentration will be <br /> discussed in the next Section. <br /> 4 <br />