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Soil Suitability Study 33233 S Koster Rd., Tracy, CA Page I <br /> SOIL SUITABILITY STUDY <br /> SECTION 1.0: INTRODUCTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT <br /> Section 1.1 Description of Site Including Soil Information <br /> The subject site, 33233 South Koster Road (APN 255 090 41), is approximately 85 level acres of <br /> irrigated farmland located on Koster Road between Highway 33 and Highway 132. The property <br /> has been part of the Banta Carbona Irrigation District since the formation of the district in 1921. <br /> The current zoning for the property is AG 40. <br /> Section 1.2 Description of Proposed Development <br /> The Proposed development is to divide the property into three parcels. Parcel 1, which will be t <br /> 5 acres; Parcel 2, which will be t 35 acres; and the Designated Remainder, which will be f 45 i <br /> acres. These parcels are shown on the Tentative Parcel Map which is included as Figure 1. <br /> Section 1.3 Parcel Vicinity Location Map <br /> The parcel Vicinity Location Map is shown in the upper left corner ?f Figure 1, which is titled <br /> Tentative Parcel Map. <br /> Section 1.4 Site Map <br /> The Tentative Parcel Map (Figure 1) shows the existing structures, wells and other infrastructure <br /> located on Parcel 1. They include two wells (Nos. 1 and 2), thred'septic tanks, and a filter bed r <br /> and leach field. There are no natural draining courses, ponds or water ways located on that <br /> Parcel. Parcel. 2 and the Designated Remainder have no structures, wells or septic tanks. A <br /> _ Banta Carboni4nigation District easement that extends diagonally across the property is also <br /> shown on Figure 1. It is occupied by a buried concrete pipe. <br /> The natural surface drainage is to the northeast, which is towards the San Joaquin River. <br /> SECTION 2.0: PRESENT AND PAST USES OF THE SITE <br /> _ Section 2.1 Discussion of Past and Present Uses of the Site <br /> The past use of the property has been farmland. Initially, dry land farming was conducted on the <br /> property. After the formation of the Banta Carbon Irrigation District in 1921 and construction of <br /> the irrigation canals, ditches and pipelines, it has been used as irrigated farm land. In the 1970's, <br /> a natural gas well was located on the property, but it has since been closed and all equipment and <br /> evidence of this well has been removed. In the past, an almond orchard was located on part of <br />