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rFAIIerc test borings were drilled on March 29, 2004. Since the test borings contained high gravel <br /> nt, there was no need to score the inner soil surfaces. Three-inch O.D. perforated pipe was <br /> placed in each five-inch diameter boring after two inches of pea gravel was added. On the morning <br /> of April 4, the two test borings on Parcel 1 were presaturated with 12 inches of clear water. Perc <br /> testing commenced the following day, April 5 at 10:00 A.M. There was no standing water in the <br /> two test borings after the 24-hour pre-saturation period. Each boring was perc tested for four hours <br /> in compliance with S.J.C. Policy EHD 02-02. <br /> During the perc testing of Parcel 1, the perc test borings for Parcels 2 and 3 were presaturated for <br /> testing that began the morning of April 6, as witnessed by EHD staff. There was no standing water <br /> in any of the three test borings at the start of testing at 10:00 A.M. April 6. The perc tests for <br /> Parcels 2 and 3 were also conducted for four hours. <br /> As illustrated on the FIELD PERCOLATION TESTING REPORTS found in Appendix 4, each of <br /> the shallow perc test borings on each of the three Parcels exhibited acceptable perc rates that can be <br /> considered moderately rapid. The deeper perc test done on Parcel I indicated failing rates and the <br /> deeper perc test for Parcel 2 indicated a relatively slow perc rate. <br /> The perc test results are summarized below for each of the three Parcels: <br /> qg <br /> ;. <br /> PERCOLATION' TEST RESULTS <br /> PARCEL PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 3 <br /> PERC DEPTH PERC RATE PERC RATE PERC RATE <br /> SHALLOW 18.8 min/in @ 36 Inch Depth 20.8 min/in @ 36 Inch Depth 12.2 min/in @ 42 Inch Depth <br /> FERC DEPTH <br /> INTERMEDIATE FAILED @ 110 Inch Depth 41.7 nun/in @ 56 Inch Depth No Pere Test Conducted at the <br /> PERC DEPTH Intermediate Depth Due to Auger Refusal <br /> III. NITRATE LOADING STUDY RESULTS <br /> A. GROUNDWATER INFORMATION <br /> The static water level under the center of the project is located approximately 172 feet below grade <br /> according to the Well Drillers Report referenced above. Depth to first water, which can be considered <br /> the water table, was encountered at 150 feet. The 1999 Lines of Equal Depth and Lines of Equal <br /> Elevation Maps published by the San. Joaquin County Flood Control District do not illustrate <br /> groundwater depths and elevations in this region due to extreme variability. Therefore, groundwater <br /> gradient and velocity cannot be calculated without sophisticated monitoring and testing. <br /> 6 <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />