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APPLICATION - SITE APPROVAL <br /> : <br /> ;,'AW Imo' <br /> j PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY - ANTIQUATED SUBDIVISION <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> FILE NUMBER: SA - <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION <br /> USE ADDITIONAL PAPER, IF NECESSARY <br /> Water, Drainage and Flooding <br /> Describe any areas subject to flood depths and flood panel map number: <br /> There are no areas that are subject to flooding. <br /> Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> The current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water Is 90 feet. <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site(e.g.rivers,creeks,swales,or drainage ditches): <br /> Oakdale Irrigation District's "Chappel Drain" rums through a portion of the southwest 1/4 of Lot 55 <br /> and through a portion of the north 'h of Lot 58. <br /> Land, Land Use and Blota <br /> Describe the site's topography( forms,slopes,etc.): <br /> The site is farmed rice ground. There are no unusual land forms on site. <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops,acres,quality of soil,etc.): <br /> No agricultural land will be lost as a result of this project. <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that may be present: <br /> There are no wildlife or wildlife habitats on this site. <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> There is no noxious vegetation on-site. The area is being used for seasonal crop farming. <br /> Air Quality <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust,vehicle trips per day,fire places,incinerators,etc.): <br /> There is dust and traffic during normal farming operations (seasonal). <br /> Page 4 of 7 <br />