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(§ 1.0) INTRODUCTION <br /> 2005 AUG 18 PM (* 39 <br /> This Soil Suitability Study presents the results of our investigation conc�ep}n the� gl�c�gZt1rristics <br /> and groundwater under the subject property referenced on the Title Page. € Y Meted <br /> to satisfy the requirements of the San Joaquin Environmental Health De% tuex�t� <br /> specifically: 1.) To determine if the four Parcels proposed to be created are acceptable for the proper <br /> operation of a septic system which will function as intended for its anticipated lifespan, and 2.) <br /> Provide analysis and recommendations based upon the environmental criteria encountered in this <br /> study. Our report is in compliance with the requirements for a Soil Suitability Study under <br /> Development Title Section 9-1105.2 Item(d) of the San Joaquin County Ordinance Codes. <br /> Within the text of this Report, bolded Section (§) numbers will be referenced at the beginning of an <br /> applicable sentence, paragraph or Appendix that correspond with the EHD Requirements Checklist <br /> for Soil Suitability Studies. <br /> (§2.1,4.2 and 4.4) The findings of this study conclude that the soils underlying the project are <br /> conducive for the proper operation of septic systems for a fixed,but indeterminable lifespan. The <br /> Applicant's are proposing to install only one septic system for a new residential structure on <br /> proposed Parcel 2. <br /> The two well water constituents typically sampled for EHD requirements are nitrate and the <br /> agrichemical DBCP (Dibromochloropropane) and EDB (Ethylene Dibromide). Analytical water test <br /> results from the two on-site wells reveal high nitrate concentrations, and DBCP/EDB as non-detect. <br /> The high nitrate well water concentrations can be attributed to the subject property, and surrounding <br /> intensely-farmed land use for the past six decades. <br /> (§ 2.0) SUBJECT SITE AND STUDY AREA BACKGROUND INFORMATION <br /> (§ 1.1 and 1.2) Parcel area, orientations, and structures are denoted on the attached Tentative Map, <br /> found in Appendix A. The purpose of this project is to readjust four existing parcels from a total <br /> area of 85.03 acres, and propose to construct a single family residential (SFR) structure exclusively <br /> on proposed Parcel 2. The building pad for this structure has been constructed. There is no proposal <br /> to build a second unit dwelling either on Parcel 2, or on any of the remaining Parcels. Parcels 1 and <br /> 4 each have SFR structures, along with additional structures as denoted on the Tentative Map. <br /> Parcel 1 apparently has three individual septic systems. Parcel 4 apparently has one individual septic <br /> system. (§ 3.7) It is possible EHD would support second unit dwellings on proposed Parcels 1, 2, 3 <br /> and 4, for a total of eight septic systems on the subject property. Given the total acreage of 85.03 <br /> acres, eight individual septic systems would not be excessive and would contribute an extremely <br /> small volume of nitrogen in comparison to the subject property orchards. <br /> (§ 1.1 and 2.1) The subject property is located between the towns of Manteca and Escalon, one-half <br /> mile north of Highway 120. Predominate subject property use is for almond and peach orchard <br /> production. Surrounding property use consists predominately of agricultural production land, very <br /> low density single family residences,horse ranches, and other types of ag buildings. The subject <br /> property is zoned AG-40. <br /> Page -1- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />