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Thompson & Folger East Page 3 of 13 <br /> Our Project Number: LES080593 <br /> February 10, 2009 <br /> 4.2 Aerial Photographs <br /> Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1940, 1952, 1963, 1975, and 1983 <br /> were reviewed at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton, California 2 One <br /> additional photo, dated 1993, was obtained from Microsoft Terraserver. 3 <br /> In the 1940 photo, the subject property appears to be vacant and agricultural land. Parcels - <br /> 21, -15, -6, -5, and -2 appear to be vacant and mottled with wetlands. The eastern portion of <br /> Parcel -9 appears to be agricultural land. Parcel -12 appears to be planted with vineyard. <br /> Surrounding properties are vacant or agricultural land with scattered residential and agricultural <br /> structures. <br /> In the 1952 photo, the northern portion of Parcel -15 and the southern portion of Parcel -2 <br /> appear to be agricultural. The vineyard is no longer apparent on Parcel -12. No other <br /> significant changes to the subject property and vicinity are apparent. <br /> In the 1963 photo, the western portion of Parcel -6 appears to be agricultural. No other <br /> significant changes to the subject property and vicinity are apparent. <br /> In the 1975 photo, no significant changes are apparent. The scale of this photo is such that <br /> identifying close details is not possible. <br /> In the 1983 photo, the entire subject property appears to be used for agricultural purposes. <br /> Much of the property appears to be planted with alfalfa or similar crops. No other significant <br /> changes to the subject property and vicinity are apparent. <br /> In the 1993 photo, it appears that field roads or canals now define the current shape of Parcel - <br /> 21. No other significant changes to the subject property and vicinity are apparent. <br /> These photos are included in Appendix C of this report. NOA's ability to interpret the land <br /> uses is limited by the scale and quality of the photos. <br /> � 3 United States Geological Survey Topographic Maps <br /> The topographic quadrangles depicting the subject property are the U.S. Geological Survey, <br /> Thornton and Lodi North, California, quadrangle maps. One 7.5-minute topographic map, <br /> dated 1978, was obtained from Microsoft Terraserver. <br /> In the 1978 map, the subject property is depicted as agricultural land. Railroad tracks divide <br /> Parcels -15 and -21 from the remainder of the property, and high-voltage power lines cross <br /> Parcels -5 and -9. A well is depicted in the southeast corner of Parcel -15. Ray School is <br /> depicted adjacent to the south of Parcel -9. The property is depicted at approximately five to <br /> 25 feet above mean sea level in an area which slopes down to the west at a rate of <br /> San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office, 1810 Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, California. <br /> ' Microsoft Terraserver, <br /> 902 Industrial Way•Lodi,CA 95240•209.367.3701 •Fax 209.369.4228 V2009,Neil O.Anderson&Associates.Ine. <br />