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r t <br /> APPLICATION- MINOR SUBDIVISION <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> .NY/�l4/=11Y1�1.�{1/'+F,.�.�N�pf71Y1���,4lif .. •... r ° -' } '..,? <br /> Watsr,t;TrnJnaQe and Rlaodl <br /> Do�c+ilao my nroas subjoct to flooding (includo flood depths and flood panel map numbed: <br /> mom <br /> DDeseribe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> z, r <br /> t)earriba any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site (e.g, rivers, creeks or drainage ditches): <br /> lt�nd, arjd Usk end Ila4d ..:,.... <br /> DUSCfII)e the silo's lopography (o,g, land forms, stopos, otc.): <br /> -l]a0aribc agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project (type of crops, acres, quality of soil, etc.): <br /> Describo any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of may be present; <br /> Duscrilu: tiny vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> _(--m o j 5 CUE2 F:--fl(- HOUS Prt�I D <br /> Do.scriba nil pollutnnts that may result from the project (e,g. construction roloted dust, vohiele trips per day, fire places, incinerators, <br /> ICE <br /> M,,r(.ribe +iny items of historical or archaeological interest on-site (e.g. cemeteries or structures}: <br /> Describe r:+ny on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration (e.g. freeway noise, heavy equipment, etc,); <br /> UIOWC11C, <br /> lh:cu+w nry on-silo or off-situ sources of light of glare (e.g. parking lot.lio)ling, or reflective materials usod); <br /> [N),3criiibo nny on-site or off-silo source of odor (e•g• agricultural wastes): <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project (e.g. numbers of people, housing units): <br />