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USE PERMIT <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> FILE NUMBER: UP- <br /> t i <br /> & d - o e If fecessa <br /> RIM!!e ,.f)rairra wand Elbodfn ' .<.� <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding include flood depths and flood panel map number: <br /> NONE <br /> Describe the currant depth of the ground water and depth to potable water. <br /> Describe any""sting drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site(e.g.riverscreeks or drainage ditches): <br /> SSD BEAR CREEI: <br /> •v:..', T spm:, sa a..:.;'+ <br /> =�""'/y'��+'-- +cY. '• — vt rte'-e+.aFa'nd nd Use and Biota <br /> Describe the site's topography( forms,slopes etc.): <br /> FLAT <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops acres quality of soil, etc.): <br /> NiKNE <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of may be present., <br /> NONE <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent., <br /> NONE <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust, vehicle trips per day, fire places, incinerators, <br /> etc.): <br /> CONSTRUCTION RELATED DUST, VEHICLE IRIPS PER DAY <br /> Dther� 7:?s'�°-t'�+..• '[i..�°i�a z� �r�mS, f+« s„-,.^."a`a v'ni. <br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest on-site(e.g. cemeteries or structures)' <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration(e.g. freeway noise heavy equipment etc.): <br /> FREEFTAY NOISE, IPAVY TRUCY.S ON ETCH = ROAD <br /> Describe an on-site or off-site sources of light of glare e. parkinglot lighting, or reflective materials used): <br /> PARYING LOT LIGATING <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g. agricultural wastes) <br /> "ONF <br /> Describe an d!s lacement o/people that will be caused by the project e. .numbers o/people,housing units): <br /> N <br /> UPiI/W MFN R[V y 1S 2(/MOI 4 <br />