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As a nitrate mitigation measure,shallow-rooted landscaping grasses may be used to absorb a <br /> percentage of the nitrogen in the effluent pumped to the filter bed. This is provided the pressurized <br /> pipes are installed high in elevation, typically assumed to be six inches below the soil surface. <br /> Most plants assimilate only two forms of nitrogen: nitrate and ammonium (NH4). Approximately <br /> 75% of conventionally treated septic effluent is ammonium. However, the proposed septic <br /> systems will discharge under the MCL for nitrate of 10 ppm nitrate-nitrogen or 45 ppm nitrate. <br /> Therefore, percentages of the maximum nitrate concentration in the effluent will be correlated <br /> with the amount estimated to be synthesized by lawn grasses: For eight months out of each year <br /> (March-October), it is theorized the plants will use 50% of available nitrate molecules nitrified <br /> from the treated septic effluent (the remaining 50% is lost to denitrification, immobilization and <br /> leaching). The colder four months of the year, the lawn grass may synthesize 20% available <br /> nitrate. Consequently, an additional 40% (50% (0.67) + 20%(0.33) =40%) reduction in nitrate <br /> concentrations may occur: 45 ppm maximum nitrate (as NO3) concentration emanating from the <br /> new septic system minus 40% reduction from landscape grasses= 27 ppm NO3 potentially <br /> entering the water table. <br /> SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN EXAMPLE <br /> SEPTIC TANKS <br /> Dual tanks with a filter vault in the second septic tank is recommended. By using two tanks with <br /> a filter, organic matter is trapped and digested within the septic tank environment. In addition, <br /> there is scientific evidence that denitrification may occur within the septic tank, particularly with <br /> two tanks in series. <br /> Septic tanks affect the sludge, scum and effluent volumes, which in turn affect treatment of <br /> nitrogen within the tanks. Typically, the volumetric capacity of septic tanks serving non- <br /> residential facilities should be equal to approximately 5 times the average daily flow (ADF or <br /> QAVE). In the following equations, the numerical value times the QAVE the peaking value (PF) <br /> correlate with the pump-out time interval in yrs. The peaking value is normally taken to be 2.5 <br /> for commercial, or nonresidential projects: <br /> SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY EXAMPLE FOR THE NEW RESTROOM: <br /> Recommended tank capacity for a pump out interval of three yrs: 2.8(QAVE) x Peaking Factor(PF) <br /> = 2.8(10,000 gals WW/wk_ 5 d/wk=2,000 gals/day x 0.3 (3 restrooms) = 600 gals) x 2.0 (PF) _ <br /> 3,360 gal tank capacity required: <br /> Use one - 2,000 gallon tank and one - 1,500 gallon tank, in series <br /> SEPTIC TANK DETENTION TIME EXAMPLE FOR THE NEW RESTROOM: <br /> Detention Time = 3,500 gal tank capacity x 0.70 (30% volume lost to sludge/scum accumulation) <br /> 2.0 (Peaking factor) x 600 gals/day from new restroom <br /> Detention Time = 2.0 days. The minimum acceptable detention time is 1.0 day. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Na!!ey�(g�eseareh <br />