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� LE!. DER <br /> File No. 20-3397-02 <br /> March 19 , 1991 <br /> Based on County requirements for a parcel split project <br /> such as this, we are not required to establish an on- <br /> site groundwater gradient by drilling test borings. We <br /> are providing a general estimate of the groundwater <br /> gradient based on the published map. Based on the <br /> groundwater map showing lines of equal elevation of <br /> gr ,^.0 P.dTdat- I , <br /> I I Plate i�- -- , <br /> appe J ..0 <br /> groundwater gradient is in roughly the west-northwest <br /> direction in the site area. <br /> This completes our scope of work at this time. Based on the a�,ove <br /> information, it appears that the 831-acre property is suitable for <br /> the use of four septic systems on the four proposed parcels. <br /> However, due to the relatively high groundwater, it is possible <br /> that if groundwater rises it could reduce the percolation rates of <br /> the leach fields. It is possible that a raised leach field area <br /> could be required to provide adequate separation between leach <br /> lines and aroundwatar. <br /> This rapert does not address the potential fcr the septic systems <br /> to affect the quality of groundwater. However, the near-surf ace <br /> water is considered 'honpotable and is not used for domestic <br /> purposes. In addition, the project involves only four septic <br /> systems within an approximate 831-acre site. Therefore, in our <br /> opinion, the likelihood of a significant change in the nitrate <br /> content of the groundwater beneath the site area due to four <br /> additional systems, is remote. If additional development is <br /> planned in the area, and it is desired to consider using septic <br /> systems, we suggest that consideration be given to completing a <br /> nitrate loading study. <br /> Copyright 1991 KLeinfelder, Inc. 5 <br />