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feet in width. (Development Title Section 9-1015.6[c][1]) <br /> e. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION: The following requirements apply and shall be shown on <br /> the Site Plan <br /> 1) Access driveways shall have a width of no less than twenty-five (25) feet for two-way <br /> aisles and sixteen (16) feet for one-way aisles, except that in no case shall driveways <br /> designated as fire depa tment access be less than twenty (20)feet wide. (Development <br /> Title Section 9-1015.5[h][11) <br /> f. LIGHTING: Lighting shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> 1) If the parking area is to be used at night, parking lot and security lighting shall be <br /> installed. (Development Title Section 9-1015.5[g]) <br /> 2) Any lighting shall be designed to confine direct rays to the premises. No spillover <br /> beyond the property lines shall be permitted except onto public thoroughfares, provided, <br /> however, that such light shall no cause a hazard to motorists. (Development Title <br /> Section 9-1015.5[g][41) <br /> g. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided and comply with the following. <br /> 1) A minimum ten (10) foot wide landscaped strip, respecting the ultimate right-of-way <br /> width of Teepee Drive, shall be installed across the frontage of the project site. <br /> (Development Title Section 9-1020.8) <br /> 2) All areas not used for buildings, parking, driveways, walkways, approved outdoor <br /> storage areas, or other permanent facilities shall be landscaped. (Development 9- <br /> 10208) <br /> h. SCREENING: Screening shall be provided and comply with the following <br /> 1) All storage materials and related activities, including storage areas for trash, shall be <br /> screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. <br /> Screening shall be six (6) to seven (7) feet in height. (Development Title Section 9- <br /> 1022A[e](2][A]) <br /> i. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS: The following Califomia Building Code (CBC) and <br /> San Joaquin County Ordinance requirements will be applicable to the proposed project <br /> The following conditions shall be addressed prior to submittal of a building permit <br /> application to the Building Inspection Division. <br /> 1) A building permit application including plans will be required. According to state law, the <br /> plans must be prepared by a registered engineer or licensed architect and shall be <br /> submitted for review and approval. An engineer or architect will also be able to help you <br /> make decisions about construction options related to fire sprinklers, allowable areas, <br /> firewalls and the configuration of the building based on your specific needs <br /> 2) The required plans must be complete at the time of submittal for a building permit. <br /> Plans must address building design and construction, fire and life safety requirements, <br /> accessibility and show compliance with the current California codes and San Joaquin <br /> County ordinances. A complete set of plans must include fire sprinkler plans, truss <br /> calculations, energy calculations, plumbing, electrical and mechanical drawings as well <br /> as structural calculations <br /> 3) A soils report is required pursuant to Section 1803 of the CBC. All recommendations of <br />