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. t <br /> The domestic well is on the opposite side of the house from the septic system. The PVC casing <br /> extends approximately one foot above grade. At present, there is no cap on this casing. It is <br /> r <br /> ecommended that a cap be placed over the top of the open casing until the pump is installed and the <br /> well completed. <br /> It is important to recognize that all septic systems have a lifespan, which is dependant on several <br /> factors and is therefore difficult to determine. Leachline failure would primarily result from the <br /> advanced formation of a "biomat" or "clogging mat" on the wetted soil/effluent interface. This mat <br /> is composed mostly of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and bacterial products consisting of a slime of <br /> polyuronides and polysaccharides. If the soil/effluent interface is well aerated, a variety of soil <br /> microfauna such as nematodes and protozoa may digest the clogging mat bacteria. <br /> Since the shallow subsurface soils on the property consist of sand, silts, and some clays, aerobic <br /> conditions may prevail over time which may allow biomat formation to remain in equilibrium. <br /> Since the leachlines have been installed higher in elevation, there will be a greater opportunity for <br /> oxygen intrusion from the atmosphere, thus theoretically assisting in biomat degradation, along with <br /> promoting evapotranspiration. However, soil moisture content of the subsurface soils will play an <br /> important role in septic system operation and lifespan. For example, if heavy rains are experienced <br /> in any given winter, subsurface soil moisture content will increase dramatically, thus decreasing <br /> permeability. Heavy rainfall will also influence Old River, which in-turn will influence <br /> groundwater conditions, which will influence permeability. <br /> In unsewered areas and/or areas that have been, or currently are under agricultural production, it is <br /> highly recommended that bottled water be used for drinking and cooking purposes. <br /> Page -4- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />