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SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT <br /> Regulation Vill Fugitive Dust/PM7e Synopsis <br /> Rule 8010 Administrative Requirements <br /> Section Applicability Requirements/Implementation <br /> 2.0 Applicability: Thisregulation applies to specified outdoor man-made sources of fugitive dust for the purpose of attaining <br />!! health-based standards for fine particulate matter(PM,,). Effective Date of Regulation VIII Rules: December 10, 1993. <br /> (For the purpose of this regulation visible dust emissions is defined as: visible dust of such opacity as to obscure an <br /> observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than an opacity of 40% (40%), for a period or periods aggregating more <br /> than three minutes in any one hour, except as set fourth in Rule 8030, 5.1.1 <br /> 4.0 Exemptions: (All Regulation Viii Rules)Actions required by law to protect the environment; current District permitted activ- <br /> ities with PM,control measures greater than or equal to this regulation; public health & safety emergency operations <br /> lasting less than 30 days; vegetative reduction required by a Federal, State or local agency for fire prevention; and <br /> activities conducted above the elevation of 3000 feet, or during freezing conditions. <br /> 5.1 Chemical Stabilizing Agents. Must meet ARB/EPA acceptability and air/water quality standards. <br /> 5.4 Dust Palliative and Asphalt Paving. Shall comply with other applicable District Rules (i.e. Rule 4641) <br /> Rule 8020 Gonstruct on, Demolition.Excatuatiort E rtractlaa <br /> 2.0 Applicability:Any construction, demolition, excavation, extraction, water mining related disturbances of soil, and the initial <br /> construction of landfills prior to commencement of landfill operations. <br /> 4.0 Exemptions. Land preparation for agriculture; activities approved prior to the effective date of this Rule; blasting activities; <br /> maintenance or remodeling activities of less than 10,000 square feet or 50% of building area; renovation of ground <br /> water recharge basins; and solar drying & harvesting of sedimentary calcium carbonate precipitates. Compliance with <br /> Section 5.1 of this rule is not required where soil moisture or natural crusting is sufficient to limit visible dust emissions. <br /> 5.1 All disturbed areas of a construction site, including Effective stabilization of visible dust emissions(40%)utilizing water, <br /> storage piles, not used for seven or more days. chemical stabilizer/suppressant, or vegetative ground cover. <br /> 5.2 On-site unpaved roads and off-site unpaved access Effective stabilization of visible dust emissions(40%)utilizing water, <br /> roads. or a chemical stabilizer/suppressant. <br /> 5.3. Land clearing, grubbing, scraping, excavation, land Effective control of fugitive dust emissions utilizing the application <br /> leveling, grading, cut&fill,and demolition activities. of water, or by presoaking. <br /> Operation of wrecking balls or wrecking equipment. All exterior surfaces of a building up to six stories in height shall be <br /> wetted during demolition. <br /> 5.4 Public paved roads, shoulders, and access ways Limit or promptly remove any accumulation of mud or dirt. <br /> adjacent to the site. Recommended use of paved aprons, gravel strips, or wheel washers. <br /> The use of blower devices for the removal of accumulations is <br /> prohibited. The use of dry rotary brushes is prohibited, except <br /> where preceded or accompanied by wetting to limit dust emissions. <br /> Rule 8030 Storage, Handling:and Transport of Bulk Materials. <br /> 2.0 Applicability: Outdoor handling/storage of bulk material emitting visible dust. Additional requirements may apply if com- <br /> pliance with this Rule requires the installation or modification of equipment under existing District permit. <br /> 4.0 Exemptions: Conditions where moisture content of the material is sufficient to limit visible dust emissions; agricultural <br /> harvesting, open air drying, handling or storage of baled, cubed, pelletized, long-stemmed or pre-cleaned material;timber <br /> harvesting; dust free materials; materials less than 250 cubic yards; and materials subject to damage by wetting. <br /> 5.1 Transport of bulk materials in an outside area for a Chute/conveyer must befully enclosed, or spray equipment wets <br /> distance of twelve feet or greater with the use of a materials to limit visible dust emissions (20% opacity) as defined in <br /> chute or conveyor device. District Rule 4101-Visible Emissions, or materials conveyed are <br /> washed, separated, or screened to remove PM, <br /> 5.2 Materials transported by vehicle, except on site. Requirements of Rule 8020, 5.4 apply. Wet material to limit visible <br /> dust emissions (40%), or provide at least six inches of freeboard <br /> space from the top of the transport container, or cover the container. <br /> 5.3 Outdoor storage of materials greater than 250 cubic Effective stabilization of visible dust emissions (40%)utilizing water, <br /> yards, or a chemical stabilizer/suppressant within seven days after the <br /> addition or removal of materials. <br />