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USE PERMIT <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> FILE NUMBER: UP- <br /> ENONMENTAL�1NFORIVIATION <br /> VIR ' <br /> (Use Additional Paper, ff Necessary) <br /> Wafer,.Drainage and Flooding::: <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding Include Rood depths and Rood panel map number): <br /> U FLOO 1� ` <br /> Describe the current d th ofthe round water and depth to potable water: <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site e. .rivers,creeks or drainage ditches): <br /> L L n <br /> Describe the site's topography( forms slopes etc.): �-Wt k AL LY L V U E C_ <br /> IjNCU1-7TV - r <br /> U VPC-1l V •5 '! &C9XL C)SCp Pfev 8 ilPte' <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops,acres,quality of soil,etc.):'�-Alro <br /> I\jr) c2oP w AC'—�3OVJLP -Tltz�?. GrOF-PRL . <br /> Describe an wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of may be resent: <br /> f7 W" L 9, <br /> Describe an vegetation on-site b type and extent: <br /> Cn�( `� GA LCE <br /> Describe air pollulants that may result/rom the p ect( related dust,vehicle trip per da ,Rre places,Incinerators, <br /> etc. . D 1 r L �r <br /> /� � LI i <br /> Describe an y items of historical or archaeological Interest on-site(e.g.cemeteries or structures: /v <br /> Describe an on-site or off--site sources of noise or vibration e. . freewa nolse,heavyeguipment,etc. <br /> Describe an on-site or off-site sources of li ht of glare e. .parking lot fighting,or reffective materials used <br /> t LI M <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.agricultural westes): IV d2la a <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g.numbers of people housing units)• l j&L'L7 <br /> UFA FORM REV.6150](1 4 <br />