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District CEQA Reference No: 20190892 Page 4 of 6 <br />1d)Ambient Air Quality Analysis: An ambient air quality analysis (AAQA) uses air <br />dispersion modeling to determine if emissions increases from a project will cause <br />or contribute to a violation of the ambient air quality standards. The District <br />recommends that an AAQA be performed for the Project if emissions exceed 100 <br />pounds per day of any pollutant. <br />If an AAQA is performed, the analysis should include emissions from both Project <br />specific permitted and non-permitted equipment and activities. The District <br />recommends consultation with District staff to determine the appropriate model <br />and input data to use in the analysis. Specific information for assessing <br />significance, including screening tools and modeling guidance is available online <br />at the District's website <br />2) If preliminary review indicates that a Mitigated Negative Declaration should be <br />prepared, in addition to the effects identified above, the document should include: <br />Mitigation Measures — If preliminary review indicates that with mitigation, the <br />Project would have a less than significant adverse impact on air quality, the <br />effectiveness of each mitigation measure incorporated into the Project should <br />be discussed. <br />District's attainment status — The document should include a discussion of <br />whether the Project would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of <br />any criteria pollutant or precursor for which the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin is <br />in non-attainment. Information on the District's attainment status can be found <br />online by visiting the District's website at <br />attainment.htm. <br />3) If preliminary review indicates that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be <br />prepared, in addition to the effects identified above, the document should also <br />include the following: <br />A discussion of the methodology, model assumptions, inputs and results used <br />in characterizing the Project's impact on air quality. <br />A discussion of the components and phases of the Project and the associated <br />emission projections, (including ongoing emissions from each previous phase). <br />4) District Rule 9510 (Indirect Source Review) is intended to mitigate a project's impact <br />on air quality through project design elements or by payment of applicable off-site <br />fees. The proposed Project is subject to District Rule 9510 if (1) it has or will receive <br />a project-level discretionary approval from a public agency and will equal or exceed <br />9,000 square feet of other space, or (2) if it has or will receive a project-level approval