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City of Tracy Wastewater Treatment Plant <br /> Holding Ponds Investigation <br /> Introduction <br /> The City of Tracy, California (the City) operates a network of holding ponds at the City's <br /> wastewater treatment plant that provide treatment for peak industrial wastewater flows <br /> during the summer canning season. The location of the ponds is shown on Figure 1 . <br /> Without the ponds, the capacity of the plant's secondary treatment processes would be <br /> overloaded during the canning season, resulting in potential violations of the plant's waste <br /> discharge requirements. In 1989, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board <br /> (RWQCB) requested that the City install monitoring wells at the holding ponds to evaluate <br /> the potential impact of the ponds on total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations in shallow <br /> groundwater. <br /> The City initiated a groundwater investigation in 1990 that included the following tasks: <br /> • Construct four monitoring wells for sampling. <br /> I'{ a Gather data on regional hydrogeology. <br /> • Canvass wells in the vicinity of the ponds and collect samples from five of <br /> these wells. <br /> • Collect samples from the ponds themselves. <br /> I ' <br /> The location of the four monitoring wells is shown on Figure 2. The investigation report, <br /> :a released in June 1991, concluded that the holding ponds did not appear to be affecting TDS <br /> concentrations in the local shallow groundwater (CH2M HILL, June 1991) . <br /> The RWQCB then ordered the City to conduct quarterly monitoring in the ponds and <br /> monitoring wells for 1 year. This monitoring included the collection of samples from the <br /> ponds and monitoring wells, with analyses being performed for TDS, pH, electrical <br /> conductivity (EC), and chlorides. In addition, the monitoring included the collection of water <br /> level data in the monitoring wells and in nearby Sugar Cut Slough. The monitoring began <br /> in March 1992. Altogether, six quarterly sets of data were collected by the City. <br /> The monitoring data appear to confirm that the holding ponds are not negatively affecting <br /> the water quality of the shallow groundwater or Sugar Cut Slough. However, some of the <br /> data are contradictory. In addition, the RWQCB has expressed continued concern about <br /> possible releases from the ponds. Therefore, the City has decided to perform additional <br /> investigation to see if pond water is infiltrating and affecting TDS concentrations in the <br /> shallow groundwater or Sugar Cut Slough. <br /> SAC/SAC36357/041.WP5 1 8/94 <br />