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I <br /> At 5 -foot intervals the plug will be lifted from the hole and a Modified California Drive- <br /> Sampler will be driven through the inner pipe to obtain an undisturbed soil sample below <br /> the bit. Standard penetration test results (number of blows per 6-inch depth of penetration) <br /> will be recorded for each sample run. The soil sample will be described according to the <br /> procedures of the Unified Soil Classification System on a standard logging form. Based on <br /> boring logs kept during the drilling of the other wells at the holding ponds, it is expected that <br /> near-surface materials will consist of clays or silts to a depth of about 20 feet. Below that <br /> depth, it is expected that the upper portion of a thick sequence of silty sand to well-graded <br /> sand will be contacted. This geologic unit has been observed in each of the holding pond <br /> monitoring well boreholes, and in wells constructed at Holly Sugar Corporation to the west. <br /> The depth to groundwater is expected to be about 15 to 20 feet. HP-5 will be drilled about <br /> 15 feet below the water table. <br /> 4 <br /> Construction <br /> The monitoring well will be screened in the sand unit since it is expected to provide a <br /> preferential pathway for groundwater flow because of its greater permeability. As with each <br /> of the other holding pond wells HP-5 will be constructed with 20 feet of slotted casing. This <br /> should allow screening across the water table and into the uppermost portion of the sand <br /> unit, with enough screening above the water table to allow for seasonal water level <br /> fluctuations. <br /> Monitoring well construction details are shown in Figure 4. Well completion details will be <br /> recorded in the field on a standard well construction form. Casing will consist of 4-inch- <br /> diameter Schedule 40 PVC. Sections of casing will be joined by threading, and the bottom <br /> of the casing will be capped with a threaded end cap. The lowest 20 feet of the casing will <br /> be open to the aquifer with 0.020 screen. The filter pack will be No. 3 Lonestar Monterey <br /> Sand or an equivalent, unless a finer grade sand is considered necessary in the field because i <br /> of the presence of silty sand in the formation. The annular space above the filter pack will <br /> be sealed with 2 feet of bentonite pellets, while the annular space above the bentonite <br /> pellets to the ground surface will be sealed with cement grout. The top of the casing above <br /> the ground surface will be protected with a cylindrical steel casing set in a concrete pad. <br /> '3 Cuttings from the borehole will be spread on the ground near the borehole. <br /> Any portion of the drill rig that may come into contact with the borehole, as well as flights <br /> of auger and well casing, will be steam-cleaned before use at the borehole. HP-5 will be <br /> constructed inside the auger drill stem, with the drill stem removed as the materials used to <br /> fill the annulus are emplaced. The casing will be suspended in the auger about 1 foot above <br /> the bottom of the borehole. Filter pack will then be emplaced in approximately 2-foot lifts <br /> to prevent bridging. No water will be used, unless approved by the site geologist to prevent <br /> saturated silty sands from flowing up the annulus. The depth to the top of the filter pack <br /> will be frequently tagged using a weighted measuring tape to monitor bridging and settling. <br /> Filter pack will be added until it is about 3 feet above the top of the slotted screen. <br /> SAC/SAC36357/041.WP5 6 8/94 <br />