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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> Groundwater samples were collected from seven of the eight monitoring wells on November 4, <br /> 2005 One well was dry and could not be sampled At the request of San Joaquin County <br /> Environmental Health Department, the samples were analyzed for gasoline and its volatile aromatic <br /> compounds(BTEX), diesel, gasoline oxygenates, and total lead Most samples in recent years have <br /> been analyzed only for gasoline and BTEX <br /> 1 Low molecular weight hydrocarbons that elute within the gasoline range and are reported as Total <br /> Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) were detected in four of six wells, but in two of the <br /> four samples the laboratory noted that the elevated result was due to a single compound within the <br /> gasoline range None of the common gasoline compounds(benzene,toluene,MTBE, etc) was <br /> detected at elevated concentrations, so a non-gasoline compound such as trichloroethane(TCE) or <br /> perchloroethane (PCE) is the most likely candidate, because both were detected at elevated <br /> concentrations on four occasions in 1995-1997 In the other two samples (VM-2 and VM-4),the <br /> chromatogram indicates that several hydrocarbons are present, but whether these represent gasoline <br /> or multiple chlorinated hydrocarbons (TCE, PCE, vinyl chloride, etc) is uncertain <br /> Over time,the concentration of these low molecular weight hydrocarbons has declined In five of <br /> the wells (VM-1, VM-2, VM-3, VM-6, and VM-7), the concentration declined by at least 35% <br /> since January 2005, and between June and November it declined by 25% in VM-1 and VM-3 and <br /> by 90% in VM-2 The only well that registered a net increase was VM-4, where the concentration <br /> • increased from 950 to 4,660 parts per billion(a net increase of slightly less than 500%) <br /> Gasoline oxygenates were not detected in any of the samples, and neither was lead However, <br /> heavier hydrocarbons that elute within the range of diesel fuel (TPH-d) were reported in VM-1 <br /> VM-2, VM-4 and VM-7 As in the case of the TPH-g result, however,the chromatograms were not <br /> typical of diesel fuel (the higher molecular weight hydrocarbons within the diesel range, which are <br /> the most stable and therefore most likely to be present, are not evident) This suggests that the TPH- <br /> d results are more likely representative of degraded gasoline or non-gasoline (solvent) compounds <br /> So far as is known, diesel fuel was not stored in the underground storage tanks at this site <br /> i he water table sloped eastward from 20 5 to 21 feet below sea level, which was fairly similar to <br /> the situation in June This implies that the groundwater flow direction continues to be east <br /> Mobilization of the propane tank to fuel the vapor extraction system was delayed through the <br /> summer months due to funding problems The situation has now been corrected, and the tank was <br /> mobilized to the site in late November The tank has been plumbed to the vapor extraction unit and <br /> -remediation is expected to begin by the middle of December 2005 The results will be reported in <br /> the next quarterly monitoring report, probably near the end of January 2006 <br /> i 1 <br />