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year ago In VM-3, only TPH-g and xylene were detected, and the TPH-g concentration is <br /> approximately 50% of what it had been earlier in the year Concentrations in VM-2 have been <br /> rising for several quarters (Figure 4), but were considerably lower this quarter than they were a <br /> year ago <br /> Concentrations were higher this quarter in VM-4 The TPH-g concentration nearly doubled, and <br /> both benzene and xylene concentrations are several times higher than they were in September <br /> The TPH-g concentration is within the historical range exhibited by this well, but both the <br /> benzene and xylene concentrations were much higher than they had been previously Neither <br /> toluene nor ethylbenzene were detected <br /> 1 <br /> -4.3 Encroachment Permit <br /> All paperwork regarding an encroachment permit to drill additional wells on City of Stockton <br /> property has now been completed and reviewed by City staff We are currently awaiting approval <br /> of the permit by Public Works management, and will forward it to EHD so that the necessary <br /> drilling permits can be obtained We anticipate performing the additional drilling in the middle of <br /> February 2003 <br /> 4 <br />