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• (Appendix B) and are shown in Table 1 After water depths were measured, a battery-operated <br /> bladder pump was used to purge the wells of standing water The wells were purged until <br /> conductivity and temperature stabilized or until the wells went dry(Appendix B) As in the past,the <br /> water purged from VM-2 was the color of "gray water", and a sewer odor was present Purged <br /> water was stored in a DOT-approved drum in the southwest corner of the site <br /> After purging, samples were collected from each well Two 40-m1 vials were collected from each, <br /> labeled, and placed in a cooled ice chest The samples were later transported to Excelchem <br /> Environmental Laboratory for analysis The laboratory report is included in Appendix C <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Gradient <br /> The depth to groundwater on December 8 averaged 32 feet(Table 1), which is exactly what it <br /> was on September 28 At this depth, the water level is at or slightly below the contact between <br /> the aquifer sand and the underlying clay bed The water level is still 13 feet above the screened <br /> interval in VM-1, VM-2, and VM-3, and 3 5 feet over the screen in VM-4 No water was present <br /> in VT-1 or in SW-1 (the bottom of the screened interval in this well is 31 5 feet) <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the groundwater gradient and general direction of groundwater flow The <br /> water table slopes to the east or northeast at a gradient of 0 0028 ft/ft <br /> 4.2 Analytical Results <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon and BTEX concentrations decreased sharply in all wells during the <br /> quarter(Table 2) Declines of more than 50% occurred in VM-2, and concentrations in VM-3 are <br /> again below the detection limit after being slightly above it since October of 1999 Only benzene <br /> was detected in VM-4, whereas TPH-g and all BTEX compounds have generally been present in <br /> the past Hence, concentrations declined throughout the site area during the quarter <br /> 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Groundwater quality improved during the quarter at the Valley Motors site It is too soon to tell <br /> whether this is a long-term trend or merely a transitory improvement, so we recommend <br /> continuing to monitor groundwater conditions on a quarterly basis The next monitoring event <br /> should take place in late February or early March If the four off-site wells can be drilled before <br /> that time, they will be included in the first-quarter monitoring event <br /> In previous quarterly reports, we have recommended conducting a soil-vapor-extraction/air- <br /> sparging pilot test when groundwater conditions are favorable During much of the year 2000, the <br /> static water level was at or below the bottom of the sparging test well (SW-1), making conditions <br /> 3 <br />