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• In July 1996, three soil borings were drilled and two were converted to monitoring wells <br /> Contaminated soil was encountered in two of these, and one or more hydrocarbon contaminants <br /> were detected in water samples from all three, as well as in the previously drilled well (VM-1) The <br /> resulting data helped to partially define the limits of soil contamination, but the limits of <br /> groundwater contamination were not reached <br /> A soil vapor survey was conducted in March, 1998, in order to better define the extent of near- <br /> surface soil contamination This survey was followed by the drilling of two new soil borings to <br /> collect samples to confirm the vapor results The results of the investigation were presented in the <br /> Soil Assessment Report prepared by Upgradient in April, 1998 Subsequently, one of the bonngs <br /> was converted to groundwater monitor well VM-4 <br /> In May, 1999, Upgradient Environmental submitted a work plan to complete the off-site delineation <br /> of groundwater contamination to perform feasibility tests of various remedial technologies The <br /> work plan specified locations for four off-site monitor wells, one on-site vapor extraction well, one <br /> on-site air sparging well, and one on-site bacterial morulation boring Except for the bioremediation <br /> bonng,these activities were approved by PHS/EHD, and Upgradient began the process of obtaining <br /> encroachment permits from the City of Stockton to drill the off-site wells To date, these permits <br /> have not been approved <br /> However, on August 30, Upgradient mobilized V&W Drilling to the site, and the vapor extraction <br /> and air sparging wells were drilled hi October, Upgradient performed the third quarter groundwater <br /> monitoring event The procedures used in these activities are described below <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES <br /> 3.1 Drilling and Sampling <br /> Figure 2 shows the locations of VT-1 and SW-1 Both wells were drilled with a hollow-stem auger <br /> rig VT-1 was drilled to a depth of 30 feet,and samples were collected at 5-foot intervals beginning <br /> at 15 feet SW-1 was drilled to a depth of 32 feet and also sampled at 5-foot intervals, except that it <br /> was continuously sampled from 30 to 33 feet The sampler was washed in a TSP solution between <br /> samples, and the augers were steam-cleaned between borings The auger returns were stored in <br /> 55-gallon drums pending laboratory analysis of the samples <br /> The geologist capped and sealed either the middle or bottom sleeve of each sample for laboratory <br /> analysis and placed it into a precooled ice chest The remainder of the sample was then <br /> disaggregated in a resealable plastic bag and allowed to volatilize for several minutes in the sun <br /> The geologist then inserted a portable photo-ionization detector (PTD) into the bag and screened <br /> the sample for the presence of hydrocarbon vapors The PID reading and other observations were <br /> noted on the boring logs (Appendix A) <br /> 3 <br />