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is present in the northern part of the site This clay may confine groundwater to a slight], deeper <br /> . depth by restricting flow from the west <br /> 4.3 Analytical Results <br /> Concentrations of most hydrocarbons decreased in all of the wells (Tables 2 and 3) The only <br /> exception was tert-butanol (TBA), which was detected at a concentration of 43 parts per billion <br /> for the first time This result is somewhat suspicious, and may be due to laboratory error The <br /> detection in VM-3 of gasoline and BTEX compounds in August appears to have been a ane-time <br /> anomaly, and concentrations have now reverted to levels below detection limits <br /> 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> As anticipated, the depth to groundwater stabilized during the last part of the third qi arter and <br /> first part of the fourth quarter Despite the fact that the static water level is more thr n 10 feet <br /> above the screen in most wells, hydrocarbons continue to be detected at moderate conn,ntrations <br /> in two of the wells These results imply that the plume is recharged from the vadose zo pie during <br /> high-water months and begins to spread, and then probably slows down or staNlizes as <br /> groundwater recedes The source of the contaminants is probably the vadose-zone soil that exists <br /> in the depth interval 10-35 feet in the northwest corner of the property, in the area aroL nd VM-2 <br /> and HP-4 (Figure 2) We recommend excavation of this contaminated soil in order to re move the <br /> residual source We estimate that appoximately 1,000 cubic yards of soil should be rerr oved and <br /> transported to a suitable disposal facility, since there is no room on the site for on-site sreatment <br /> Now is the optimum time for removal, when the static water level is near its annual L Dw point <br /> However, it would not be possible to obtain regulatory approval for this before the wi iter rainy <br /> season begins Therefore, we recommend postponing the interim remedial work until the second <br /> quarter of 1999, after the rains have ended This work could take place in conjunctior with the <br /> removal of the waste-oil tank that was discovered in March 1998 in the sidewalk along Main <br /> Street A work plan for Interim Remediation (excavation) and a tank removal permi package <br /> should be prepared in January or February and submitted to San Joaquin County Envii onmental <br /> Health so that the work can be approved and performed in April or May <br /> Groundwater monitoring should continue on a quarterly basis through 1999 The next nLonitonng <br /> event should take place in February 1999 <br /> 4 <br />