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3.4 Water Sampling <br /> A groundwater sample was collected from VM-1 on September 11 Prior to sampling, a notch was cut <br /> l into the edge of the casing for use as a reference point for future groundwater depth measurements <br /> The well elevation was not surveyed <br /> The depth from the notch to groundwater was measured with a Solinst water level meter to the nearest <br /> 0 01 foot (Appendix C) The depth to the bottom of the well was also measured, and used to calculate <br /> Ithe volume of water in the well <br /> The well was developed by hand bailing approximately 18 gallons of water The highly turbid purge <br /> water was stored in a 55-gallon drum near the soil stockpile <br /> After purging, two 40-m1 vials and one 1-liter amber bottle were filled from the bailer and sealed The <br /> I samples were labelled and placed in a cooled ice chest and transported under chain of custody to <br /> Inchcape Testing Services The chain-of-custody form is included in Appendix B <br /> I Groundwater was again monitored and sampled on October 12 As before, the depth to groundwater <br /> was measured with a Sohnst water level meter and a disposable bailer was used to purge the standing <br /> water before a sample was collected in 40-m1 vials During purging, a Corning Checkmate meter was <br /> used to measure pH, conductivity, and temperature, and these parameters were recorded on the field <br /> data sheet(Appendix C) <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Stratigraphy <br /> I Appendix A shows the strata that were penetrated by VM-I From the surface to a depth of 30 feet, <br /> the uppermost stratum coarsens downward from clay or silty clay to very coarse-grained sand In the <br /> upper part, the color is brown, but downward the color changes to grayish brown and gray, due to a <br /> Idecrease in oxidation and weathering Moisture content increases downward from dry to slightly damp <br /> Below 30 feet, there is an altnernating sequence of fine-grained sand, sandy silt, and silty clay Variable <br /> amounts of iron-oxide and,manganese-oxide staining result in mottled gray, orange, brown, and blue- <br /> 61ack colors to a depth of 60 feet Below this, the color is dark to very dark gray, indicating that the <br /> material has been continually below the groundwater table and is not oxidized It is also hard and <br /> Ilocally slightly cemented <br /> 4.2 Field Evidence of Contamination <br /> IHydrocarbon odors were noticed in soil samples collected at 20, 25, 30, and 35 feet The odor was <br /> strongest in the sample from 25 feet, and a maximum reading of 1585 ppm was reached on the PID <br /> No odors were noticed within or below the clay bed that lies at a depth of approximately 40 feet <br /> 3 <br /> I <br />