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r <br /> MEMORANDUM Page 2 of 3 00■ <br /> Holly Commerce Center E&E <br /> Tracy, CA �0 S I E G F R I E D <br /> Attachment 1. The site is designed with a detention and water quality basin that serves a dual purpose. <br /> The basin is designed to attenuate large storm events so that Sugar Cut is not impacted while also <br /> capturing and treating the 85th percentile storm event with a total annual capture of least 80%. For the <br /> sake of the following analysis that is intended to replace the nitrate loading calculation found at the <br /> bottom of Page 8 of the Chesney Report Dated May 6, 2019. <br /> Revised Equation per Attachment 1 <br /> nr=Wnw(1-d)+Rnb/(W+R) (See Attachment 1 for definitions of terms) <br /> For this project: <br /> W= 960 gpd x 5 dpw x 52wpy= 249,600 gals/yr= 33,367 cu-ft/yr x (1/43,560 ac-ft/cu-ft)= 0.7660 ac-ft/yr <br /> (revised from original report to match ADF in Siegfried design) <br /> n,N = 146 mg N/L (per original report) <br /> d = 30% (per original report) <br /> nb = Assumed 0.1 ppm, NO3-N (per original report) <br /> R = R, + R2 = Average annual rainfall in ac-ft/yr(see below for analysis) <br /> Total Site Area including the basin area =45.57 acres (42.00 acres for the site plus 3.57 acres for <br /> proportional share of the basin (80.8% of 4.43 acres) <br /> Annual Rainfall = 9.5in (per San Joaquin County Standard Drawing D-3) <br /> Total Runoff= 9.5in/yr x 45.57 acres x (1/12) = 36.08 ac-ft/yr <br /> R, = Portion of annual rainfall that is absorbed into leach field areas, landscaping less evaporation from <br /> paved surfaces. For the sake of this analysis it is assumed that the site is 7% pervious and that 3% <br /> of the runoff is retained in the pavement area and evaporated. The paved areas are approximately <br /> 33.1% of the site. <br /> R, = (35.57 ac-ft/yr x 7%)- (35.57 ac-ft/yr x 3% x 33.1%) =2.4899—0.3532 = 2.1367 ac-ft <br /> R2 = Portion of the annual rainfall that is captured by the basin and infiltrated, including any <br /> evapotranspiration. Although Attachment 1 suggests a month by month analysis this analysis has <br /> simplified the approach due to the fact that the County mandated storm water quality requirements <br /> dictate that the basin capture and treat the 85th percentile event and capture and treat at least 80% <br /> annually. Our storm water modeling estimates that in large storm events approximately 20% of the <br /> storm water will be pumped to Sugar Cut. Per the figure below from Appendix D of the California <br /> Storm Water BMP Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment for an impervious <br /> coefficient of 93% and a required capture rate of 80% the basin annually will capture approximately <br /> 70% of the total runoff and infiltrate it with a typical drawdown time of 48 hours. The basin will not be <br /> planted and will not have standing water during months when the ET rate is high, however for the <br /> sake of this analysis it is assumed that 5% of the water is lost to ET. <br /> R2 = 45.57 ac-ft/yr x (70% - 5%) = 29.6205 ac-ft <br /> R= R, + R2 =2.1367 ac-ft/yr+ 29.6205 ac-ft/yr= 31.7572 ac-ft/yr <br /> Stockton San Jose Sacramento Modesto <br /> 3428 Brookside Rd. 111 N. Market St.,#300 900 Howe Ave.,#200 100 Sycamore Ave,#100 <br /> Stockton, CA 95219 San Jose, CA 95113 Sacramento,CA 95825 Modesto, CA 95354 <br /> t:209.943.2021 t:408.754.2021 t:916.520.2777 t: 209.762.3580 <br /> F:\17projects\17017 Holly Sugar Industrial\Civil\Septic Sizing-Pre1im\17017 Holly Commerce Center E&E Nitrate Loading Memo <br /> Ver 1.docx <br />