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�' u SAN.,,JOAQUIN <br /> --COUNTY _ Environmental Health Department <br /> - <br /> `�q`Icowar Greatness grows here. <br /> SOIL SUITABILITY STUDY CHECKLIST <br /> San Joaquin County Development Title Chapter 9-1105, Section 9-1105.2 <br /> 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION I/ <br /> 1.1 Description of site, including: arcel ize, project size, current zoning, identification and current <br /> use_and_occ_upancy of all t rt,rr ,r"on the.prop- y, including which structures have installed <br /> plumbing systems,topography, current and proposed number of employees/visitors, number, use <br /> and status of all water wells within 600' of property line, number and status of a OWTS within <br /> 600' of property line, name and proximity of any water way or canal within 2,500' of the property <br /> line. <br /> 1.2 Description of proposed development or building project. Description must include the following <br /> information: <br /> 1.3 Parcel vicinity location map. <br /> 1.4 Site map showing location of all items on parcels (i.e., structures, drives, wells, septic systems, <br /> large trees, pastures, pools, natural drainage courses, ponds, waterways, etc.) <br /> 1.5 Identify if within or located near (1-mile) any city's sphere of influence M <br /> 1.6 Identify if public sewer or water available within 1-mile of the project site,+ <br /> 2.0 PAST, CURRENT, PROPOSED,AND REASONABLY FORSEEABLE USES OF THE SITE Ale <br /> 2.1 Discussion of past uses at the site <br /> 2.2 Discussion of present uses at the site <br /> 3.0 EXISTING OWTS DESCRIPTION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION <br /> 3.1 Provide the number, age,type of OWTS (standard system/supplemental treatment <br /> system/engineered designed system) for each exiting OWTS at the site. <br /> 3.2 Calculate the repair rate (#repairs/#years) for each OWTS at the site. (Repair rates greater than <br /> 0.1 may indicate additional investigation/mitigation). ^ <br /> 3.3 Provide the number, age, type of OWTS (standard system/supplemental treatment <br /> system/engineered designed system for OWTS located within 1-mile of the site.✓ <br /> 3.4 Calculate the repair rate (#repairs/#years) for each OWTS within 1-mile of the site. (Repair rates <br /> greater than 0.1 may indicate additional investigation/mitigation). ,.0 <br /> 3.5 Provide copies of all permits in the report. <br /> 3.6 Discussion of any issues found associated with the density and functioning of OWTS onsite and in <br /> the general area and any additional investigation (soil evaluations/percolation testing)that may <br /> be needed to address siting/design/sizing concerns. ✓ <br /> 3.7 OWTS pumping records for the site ra <br /> 3.8 <br /> 4.0 WASTEWATER VOLUME AND CHARACTERISTICS <br /> 4.1 Describe the location, number,type and use of all fixtures contributing wastewater to each OWTS <br /> at the site. rft <br /> 4.2 Describe the characteristics of the wastewater being generated for each OWTS at the site. Include <br /> N, BOD, ...(Page 56 EPA DM, Page 2 SWRCB General WDR, /Nt)q <br /> 4.3 Identify any processes or activities conducted at the site that may contribute wastewater other <br /> than that from toilets and associated hand wash sinks. /-,a <br /> 4.4 Identify any inappropriate or prohibited discharges to the OWTS. (auto/mechanical <br /> repairs/manufacturing processes clean up/paint clean up/RV waste) 0 <br /> 4.5 Identify the average daily flow., <br /> 4.5.1 Identify actual water usage volumes/rates <br /> 4.5.2 Use 140 gallons per day per bedroom (70 gallons per person per day with a 2 person per <br /> bedroom occupancy). <br /> 4.5.3 Use <br /> EHD 26-02-002 Pagel of 2 Nitrate Loading Study Checklist <br /> 7/14/2003 <br />