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FIELD SAMPLING PROCEDURES <br /> 1.0 SOIL BORINGS AND SAMPLING <br /> Soil borings were drilled using a cart-mounted portable drilling rig utilizing 5-inch diameter <br /> hollow-stem augers. Soil samples for lithologic description and potential laboratory analysis <br /> were collected using a pre-cleaned split spoon sampler fitted with brass liners. After the split <br /> spoon was driven to the appropriate depth, the sampler was extracted from the borehole and the <br /> brass liners removed. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 6-inches at every 18- <br /> inch drive interval was recorded on the boring logs which are included as Appendix B to this <br /> report. <br /> One brass liner from each drive interval was preserved for shipment to the laboratory by <br /> covering both ends with Teflon sheeting and tight-fitting plastic caps. A WESTON sample label <br /> was attached to the sample container and included the following information: a unique sample <br /> number, date and time of collection, sampler's initials, depth of sample, and any other pertinent <br /> information. Each sample was sealed in an individual ziplock bag and placed in an insulated <br /> cooler with ice. A Chain-of-Custody document was initiated at the time of sampling and <br /> accompanied the sample during shipment to the laboratory. <br /> Upon completion of sampling activities, all of the borings were backfilled with a 5% <br /> bentonite/cement grout mixture placed through the augers. During mixing, the bentonite was <br /> initially added to the water and allowed to hydrate. After the bentonite was hydrated, the <br /> cement was slowly added and thoroughly mixed. The borings were then backfilled to the surface <br /> by placing the grout mixture through the augers while the augers were still in the ground. <br /> 2.0 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION <br /> To reduce the potential for cross contamination, augers, sampling equipment, and other <br /> associated downhole equipment was steam cleaned prior to each use. Rinsate from steam <br /> cleaning was contained onsite in 55-gallon drums. Sampling equipment was cleaned between <br /> sampling intervals using a solution of Alconox detergent and tap water, followed by a double <br /> rinse with potable water and a final spray-rinse with deionized water. <br /> 3.0 SITE SAFETY <br /> The site work was performed in accordance with WESTON's site specific health and safety plan, <br /> which was available onsite during field activities. A safety meeting was held with subcontractor <br /> personnel prior to starting work each day to review anticipated safety hazards and emergency <br /> procedures. The field work for this project was performed under Level D personal protection. <br /> M\RPTSVIYPON IX.WP 05R6i94 <br />