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r7Theaximumnumber of people potentially on-site for this agricultural facility will be a maximum ofeople per day, eight hours per day, six days per week. If the toilet and lavatory are used twice I <br /> per hour, for a total volume of 2.0 gallons each use, we find: 2.0 gallons/use x 2 uses/hr x 8 hrs/day= <br /> 32 gallons/day(ADF)x six days/wk x 52 wk/yr=9,984 gals/yr. This figure will be used in the <br /> nitrate loading calculations below. A shower is proposed to be installed, but this will only be used in <br /> an emergency. <br /> Wastewater Characteristics <br /> The domestic wastewater generated from the Ag Building will be composed of blackwater from <br /> toilets and graywater from hand washing. There will be no high organic loading from a kitchen use, <br /> etc. Additional wastewater constituents may consist of other liquids to the system, such as coffee, <br /> juices, low strength cleaning liquids, etc. No industrial or commercial agricultural chemicals, <br /> solvents, etc. should ever be introduced into the wastewater treatment system. It is imperative that <br /> low strength and low volumes of cleaners are used in the restroom since they can disrupt the septic <br /> tank biology. <br /> The scientific literature cites nitrogen concentrations in domestic septic effluent ranging from 17 mg <br /> N/L for basins, sinks, etc. to 140 mg N/L for toilet wastes. A value of 62 mg N/L is typically used <br /> for domestic calculations, as indicated in the literature(See Kaplan-Septic Systems Handbook,Pg. 147), <br /> based upon a mixture of the concentrations referenced above. <br /> B. CALCULATED NITRATE-NITROGEN LOADING <br /> NLS§3.4,3.5,3.6. The calculated nitrate-nitrogen impact to the soil and potentially to the <br /> groundwater is difficult to determine due to the large number of variables involved and variables <br /> unknown at this time. These include: 1.) Impact from upgradient nitrate sources, 2.)Variability in <br /> wastewater flows, effluent nitrogen concentrations and dilution effects from rainfall recharge, 3.) <br /> Changes in groundwater directional flow and elevation. <br /> The Hantzsche/Finnemore Formula is used below to predict the average concentration of nitrate- <br /> nitrogen in effluent recharge water from the proposed wastewater management system. The <br /> calculations are based on a total areal loading basis of 67.19 acres, correlated with the annually <br /> projected wastewater flows of 9,984 gpy. These two factors primarily estimate the average <br /> concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the recharge effluent,which should not exceed 10 ppm nitrate- <br /> nitrogen(45 ppm as nitrate). <br /> CALCULATED NITRATE-NITROGEN LOADING FROM THE PROPOSED RESTROOM <br /> TAKING THE ENTIRE SUBJECT PARCEL AREA INTO CONSIDERATION: <br /> HANTZSCHEIFINNEMORE EQUATION <br /> INS,,(1 - dib <br /> Nr= (I+R) <br /> Page -5- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />