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Describe air pollutants that may resuh from the project(e.g.,construction related dust,vehicle Yips per day,fireplaces incinerators etc.): <br /> A f 1 - Pa V /J UCi1 �n � ' (bfi CD't/ST R�vl ter /1 •�Y� <br /> (j to C d-t <br /> Describe any hazardous matenalalwasUs that will be present on-site: <br /> :::. ... <br /> Describe any awn of historical or archaeological interest on-site(e.g.,emeries or shvdures): L fit/ i <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources ofnoise or vibration(e.g.,freeway noise,heavy equipmeM etc-): <br /> Q r r '4- N6;S C -, Wr T L A .ti,{ "'9"-0 <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light or glare(e.g.,parking lot lighting,or reflective materials use: f ,/C-- <br /> Describe <br /> C-- <br /> Desmbe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.,agricultural wastes): Al C E <br /> Describe any displacernent of people that will be caused by the project(e.g.,numbers of people,housing units): <br /> ....... .........................:::::.:..:: ...... <br /> SIG`1ATURE: I certdy under penalty of perjury that I tarn(check orae): <br /> o Le;al property owner(owner includes partner,trustee,trustor,or corporate officer)of the property(s)involved <br /> in this application,or <br /> -2- <br />