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APPLICATION- SITE APPROVAL <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> : :.:::::.::<::::..::::::::: :: .. •;:;> . >:;<:>.;::.,;;;:»?:•::.:::::n:.n.:;:::?:.;;:.>:;:•:<..:;•:>:::.;::.:,.;:.,. VONMEN <br /> TALI N <br /> FO RM T O» ENIR. <br /> » :............ ... USE ADDITIONAL PAPER, NECSSAR: :i:;i; <br /> <:;:;>;;,..;. .. ..... Y <br /> ........................................................................................ <br /> !::iiiiiin4iiiiii:i::4 '};{:;:;:!;:j%;..':«.....'iiii:i iii.ii:2%i:i: iiiiiiiiiii <br /> v::::::::::::::::v:n•.:::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.:..�.::w::::::::::::n.�:.:::...::::::::.:.:.....,......::: •: <br /> vi::v?•?'??^:'•i:??•isCrAi'i??'ii:itiiiiii:??•iiii::iii:???•:iiii i;:i+i ii:t:iiiii:iii: .......... •. . ... <br /> 1 odin <br /> i a eandFo <br /> :<.>:?::::::::?:::.;;:i:;i::;�;:?.;:;:;;.;:;:i:i:?•isi::.;:::�:::>i:i.::�:::;;.i;•:.:.. Water, ra n <br /> .................................................................................................. <br /> ,D <br /> ::�:::�:l;�i:�i:�i:�i:::�i::::i::i:�:�i:%t:i:�i::i:;�:Giiiiii>iii::i::iii`:?:;�::ii:�i::?::2:i:�i:::::'.Ji:::;:::::;i:�::i'�::::ii:.: <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding Include flood depths and flood panel map number): <br /> Q' <br /> Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> Y^ r" <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site(e.g.rivers,creeks,swales or drainage ditches): <br /> �AO Y1'Z <br /> iota: »>?' <br /> : <br /> and Use and B <br /> ;:::.:..::<>::: : ';:,ii:' , Land.L <br /> Describe the site's topography(e. .land forms,slopes,etc.): <br /> P:-1 c,-� <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops,acres,quality of soil,etc.): <br /> ©nom <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site andspecies that are of may be resent: <br /> Ott' <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by t**p�e and extent: <br /> 1`l <br /> Ir.i:<:>:alit <br /> A Qu <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust,vehicle trips per day,fire places,incinerators,etc.): <br /> t�lot-� <br /> ........ <br /> i'::.i:.i:..: <br /> ..::.: <br /> .. Other: is ii;.i::ii';:>:::>:i::i:., <br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest on-site(e.g.cemeteries or structures): <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of'noise or vibration( I eeway noise,heavy equipment.etc. : <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light of glare(e.g.parkinglot lighting,or reflective materials used): <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.agricultural wastes): <br /> 1'1 <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g.numbers of people,housing units): <br /> L= II <br />