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} 1.2 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL OF UNDERGROUND TANKS (CONT'D 2.2 HANDLING OF FRP TANKS CONT'0 ' �^_�` �" `• � <br /> 1.1 OVAL OF EXISTING TANKS AND PIPING SYSTEMS ) ( ) <br /> A tractor, me part of the contract, will execute and C. product lines *hall be pitched 1/4" per ft. to pump e. DAMAGE: If tank is damaged, do not attempt repalra. Company <br /> blocks. Minimum pitch to 1/e" per !t. Rep. is to be notified and will determine the course of action <br /> - 111 <br /> the Owner$*, h0rAiA after rofqrred to ad Copfany,sal proc9duras and with governmental author! tee that will be followed. - <br /> diction over euoh work. d. Vent and vapor return lines $*hall be pitched 1/4" per <br /> it. F. SETTING: Set tanks on prepared bed with a elope downward <br /> o%Bany Rap. will be sa.ponsiblo for removal a toward the fill and of the tank. A elope of 3" difference <br /> "dabla product. e. 1/2" pipe diameter separation at cross-.Vere. between the two extreme,openings of the tank is desired. The <br /> acceptable range of slope is 4" maximum and 2" minimum with - - <br /> *in all product line.. f. The Contractor is responsible for any design, the fill and lover than remote pump end of the tank. Tanks <br /> materials, equipment, permits, etc. , for shoring or that exceed the acceptoole elope or that slope downward to the <br /> orppressure (STP) system grOlty drain 1N by - side sloping a hole. remote pump end are improperly set and dust be resat. - <br /> an Sng check valve at STP Ano the tut P9 shear <br /> Is*. Disconnect line at ATP union to d, lush 1.3 FILL AND BACKFILL G. INSTALLATION WITH APPROVED MATERIALS: Place a 12" lift of - <br /> Aininq product into an appropriate con backfill evenly around the tank,. Push backfill completely <br /> A. All fill material shall be of a granular nature, tree from underneath the tank between the ribs and under the and caps. - <br /> auction pump system, disconnect [roe (low vegetation and extraneous material, Company Rep. shall This is the most important part of the backfill process. <br /> Z and gravity drain into APR ropriat alner. inspect and approve the material before It is spread. Spread Procedure can be done from bank or adjacent tank top. If a <br /> material in lift, not to exceed 12 inches and tamp thoroughly. man will be in the hole to "work" the.backfill, hole most be <br /> OK; DO NOT INTRODUCE COMPRESSED A LINES When required by local code, General Contractor shall provide shored or side eloped as prescribed by current OSHA <br /> FOR PURPOSE Of EVACUATING PR: FROM a compaction test for certification of fill. regulations. <br /> LINES. " <br /> S. APPROVED BACKFILL MATERIALS: 1. Place second 12" lift or backfill evenly around the <br /> 3. Rao.. 1 fla enable liquid from tank b by using a tanks. Again, repeat the "working" or backfill between <br /> hand to evacuate the regaining Co e. Dispose 1. PEA GPAVEL. A clean, naturally rounded aggregate with a the ribs and under the and cape. Add backfill evenly - $ <br /> of t ttom liquid remains per appl regulations. 1/8" minimum and a 3/4" maximum diameter. Up to 3% of around the tanks up to the tops of the tanks. - r <br /> the particle, may pass through a 18 sieve. ` '{ <br /> 4. Dig d, top of tank and remove ft op tube) , STP 2. Backfill to subgrade after piping and testing is <br /> and at ng connections to the tar 2. STONE OR GRAVEL CRUSHINGS. Washed material, with completed. <br /> particle sire between 1/8" and 1/2". Up to 3% of the - <br /> ' S. Tempera lug all tank open trigs, U excavation av etlon particles may pass through a 18 sieve, it. INSTALLATION WITH ALTERNATE MATERIALS: All alternate materials - <br /> and rem, a tank: P doinq it n re location. most be compacted to 90t relative density (ASTM D-1557-70) . <br /> ' Block th to prevent movement. EXTREME CAUTION 3. Approved materials gust be dry, free of ice and enoW, and Contractor is to furnish with certification of compaction from <br /> DURING Pi OPERATION. most ASTM C-33, Para.9.1 for quality and soundness. a registered soil engineer. - <br /> f '. <br /> 6. Remove fl a vapors. C. ALTERNATE BACKFILL MATERIALS (Defined as any material not 1. Company Rep. is responsible for providing the exact <br /> meeting above requirements for approved materials) : installation specification for alternate materials. <br /> Preferred for condltionitw <br /> 1. Approval of Company Rep. is required prior to use of each 2.3 TESTING OF TANKS ' <br /> Make vapor* by ad4ln4 15 of dry ice (carbon material. In contain instances, the approval of the tank (Notify the Company Rep., who MUST observe all taste, at least _ <br /> dioxide) pat gallons of to acity. manufacturer nay' be required to preserve the tank 24 hours In advance of any tests. ) <br /> warranty. Company shall obtain such approval. <br /> The vepore. l:. ank mebe nert b adding solid A. The Contractor is responsible for all labor, material and <br /> carbonoloxld ice) 1n tb nt of 15 pounds per 21 Alternate materials, if used, sunt be dry and free of ice equipaont necessary to conduct the following taste: <br /> 1000 gallons c capacity dry iG should be and *now. The tank hole sides sumt be shored or aide _ <br /> crushed end di tad ovonl the greatest possible eloped to patait: entry for compaction and testing. pre-Installation Pressure Test, Air <br /> area to $*cure evaporat Avoid skin contact After-Installation Pressure Test, Air or Hydrostatic <br /> with dry ice be, St may a burns. As the dry 1.4 BEDDING OF TANKS Interna} Measurements <br /> ice vapor l ted, 1 la var ill flow out of the tank - i <br /> add Ray aOr,% ceA. , oboe". all normal A. A 12" minimum bed of backfill as tenial is to be placed in the 1. ACCEPTABLE "$GAPS": "Soaping" the tank and fittings <br /> Safety,pr.cautlon rdlr able vapors. Make sure holo, eaoothed and *Lopped to allow a tank elope of 1" In 10' during the test is to be done using a small garden-typo <br /> that al of the d he rued. downward toward the rill end prior to setting the tank. hand-pressurtzed spray unit. The test soap shall be a ' '( <br /> high foaming "Soap" that bubble, easily if in contact <br /> with anair leak In the tank but won't bubble due to • ' <br /> dispeno l ng from the pressure applicator. Acceptable _ <br /> soaps are: <br /> 1.1 PEMOVAL Of EXISTING TANKS GYSTEMS (CONT'D) <br /> 1.4 BEDDING OF TANS (CONT'D) <br /> 7. Alter the tank had bc, of vapors and prior to ), When specified, the down 1 s" shall fes installed ed prior <br /> moving fro= the lite, cap all holes. Tse D "log <br /> threaded (bollen) plug, uq any corrosion leak holes. to be bad Aterilal. Caution - Ue not place FAP tanks on 2. ) YESTIHG Or TANKS (CONT'O) <br /> ons tank fitting plug have a 1/4-Inch vent hole to concrete slabs, timbers, bases, cradle, or grout the - <br /> prevent the tank from ubjectod to an excessive tanks in wt cement. The tank, whether clad down or not, "Scott Test Concentrate" <br /> pressure diffsrentieI y extreme temperature suet never be i%tt on the bed without a backfill to the "Amway Loc Hlghsoap" <br /> changes. top of the tank if there is Any chance of water, 12" or "#7006 South"nd Leak Detector" ,. <br /> more above the =ank bottom, In the hole. or approved equals <br /> S. No fiberglass or ate 11 be reused. Render tank 1.S OBSERVATION WELLS uaelase attar aeaov' a 2. PRE-INSTALLATION PRESSURE TEST, AIR: Extreme care is to ,`2 <br /> be used around and near the pressurised tank. <br /> % As an added elecaut req s of condition, the tank A. If shove on drawings„ e t slotted observation wellsnstal in <br /> 1 shall be labeled a t 4 fill opening in 1e91610 wellsopposite <br /> &t corners of the tank hole, are to be installed; Sample a. Tanks are to be boated to 4 leig minimum (5 pal. '1 <br /> letter* as follow wells g m to be Positioned <br /> suppo In the hole paler to placing the The ent) be tore belnq metalled In the tank hole. >f <br /> bedding material and supported to regain vertical during The entire tank and fittings aro to be soap tested. <br /> "TANK HAS CONT lLANHA QUIDS backfill. Bottom of observation well is to be 12" minimum Tank may be rolled up to 90 degrees on a smooth clean ' <br /> N' ^PALE below the bottom of tanks. Top of Pipe to terminate in 12" surface during this teat. The Company Rep. is to <br /> 5 <br /> NOT SUITABLE F D OR DRI WATER" diameter flllhos. Slotted observation walls shall be provided witness and record the result. of this test. a <br /> by General ContrActom, unless othorwlse instructed by Company <br /> W.41 Prior to ng gasolln e, the latest Rep. b. A pressure relief system set at 5 pslg Is to be <br /> Applical qts dispose, attend should be installed in the vent opening. <br /> checked termina It s attention or 1.6 TANK MOLE LINER : <br /> proper, is required. c. The promeure application system to to have two <br /> A. Contractor is to prory ids a Filter Fabric Tank Hole Liner pressure gauges (0 to 10 psig maximum) in the system, <br /> 10. Romovi tankd, ct advent pit excavation from when, both in good condition and having been tested and <br /> site at'the at time "*this NOT DELAY calibrated within a three-month period prior to the tp <br /> DISPOSAL. F ntly abandon roma product lines 1. Tank hole is unstable soil, as defined above, or tank test (copy of the test and calibration data to P <br /> (fro% pump d to tank ares) by nq line, with a be furnished to the Company Rap.') . Caution: Be sure g <br /> concrete at or flush with vete cap if 2. Specified by Cgrmpany Pop. TRn entire tank holo (eldop to rolio<a the pressure prior to moving the tank or 37 <br /> Permitted ) at regulations. and bottom) .hall be covered. Lay the fabric with 2 removinq'ally of the fittings. <br /> foot minimum overlaps. 4 <br /> 11, for In gr, oil tank, arrange topcoat of d. Do not iijstall a tank which shows any evidence of p <br /> remaining d content. With author isposal • 3. Bedding material, tia-down "loge" and ample wells are to leaking. ! The Company Rep. is to be notified and will y3¢ <br /> Moral <br /> ct Sve November 3, 1985, ell under be placed on the top of the filter fabric. Excess fabric detarnln4 the course of action that will be followed. <br /> Moral ti one will be classified dsardous at the top o1 the hole should be folded over the backfill <br /> wastei <br /> . mater lel at subgrade level. ]. AFTER INSTALLATION PRESSURE TEST, AIR OR HYDROSTATIC: E <br /> Extreme care is to be used around and near the <br /> - Uncov it and di.connect attached p B. APPROVED FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL: pressurized tank. <br /> - Plug openings and complete excavat Dupont "Typar" spunbound Polypropylene - Style 3401 a. Tanks are to be tested to 4 psig minimum (5 prig <br /> Phillipe Fibers Corp. - "Supac" Fabric maximum). after be Sng installed to the tank hole and <br /> - Res nk and Hour at grade. Monsanto - -Bill.'- C22 the backfill material is to the top Of the tanks, \ i <br /> or approved equals All rigor., bushings, plugs, and pipe connections are <br /> - No k as in Its* 9 above and gxscute Saposal to be installed and tight prior to the application of <br /> a. <br /> At with Contractor prior t,r ,constr, 1.7 BALLAST the teat, True company Rep, is to witness and record <br /> tank disposal is in accordance with ing A. Water In to be used as ballast under all conditions where GRu results a[ this baa. ` <br /> tions. ballast is required. b. A tellers relief system Piping at 5 re is to be <br /> instaD Y D 9 <br /> 34. C Rep. and Contractor shall Inspect open 1. DRY HOLE CONDITION; Tanks, with backfill to to of tanks, joint ltd he the vent piping downstream bC the swing <br /> P joint at. the tank. j <br /> Ion for widens• of product leakage. suet be ballasted if there is any chance that surface or { <br /> subsurface water will enter the tank hole to a depth of c. The pressure application system to to be the same as {yy <br /> 23" or greater above the bottom of the tanks. Caution - specified in the pre-installation presents test. 5 <br /> Do not ballast Lanka until backfill is to top of tanks. <br /> d. All tank fittings and pipe connections are to be / i •P <br /> 1.1 REM, f EXISTING tAMKs AND PIPING SYSTEMS (CONT-0) test for <br /> seeped and checked for tank <br /> looks. Haid the ' <br /> dust for 30 elates to check the iso- for damage <br /> during installation. Caution: Be *u;e to repave the �1 <br /> 1. 7 BALLAST (CONT'D) pressure prior to removing any fitting,, <br /> 11 Soil, SAMPLES tAoN EACH COPNLR AND FROM THE k:Dt , <br /> TANK EXCAVATION AFTER THE EXISTING TANKS HAVF BE 2. WET HOLE CONDI7TION: Attempt to pump water from the tank <br /> VED AND SUBMIT TO A QUALIFIED LABORATORY FOR ANAL . hole to maintaitn a "Dry )tole Condition". If unable to - <br /> - R AROMATIC HYDROCARBOM (GASOLINE) CONTENT. A !'OPV obtain a "Dry Biala Condition-, Company Rep. is to be 2, 3 TESTING OF I"" (CONT'D) <br /> E SOIL ANALYSIS, INCLUDING LOCATION Of SAMPLES, - notified and vllll de to rmino the Course of action to be <br /> AMFLING METHODS, TEST PROCEWREG AND TEST RESULTS SHA followed. Instal' filter fabric, tie-down "logs" and e. It thetank. are ballasted, conduct a Petro Tito - <br /> 96 FURNISHED TO TKE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU AND TO THE bedding as specified aloewherd. Set tank in hole, Hydrostatic Test (instead of an air test) on the tank <br /> REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, SOIL SAMPLES SHA, partially [ill with water until SC sinks firml on the and fitti'gs. - ? <br /> BE TAKEN BY AN INDEPENDENT QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN. P Y Y - <br /> bad. V$* only with <br /> water to ballast tank ant_1 ,. <br /> 1.2 EXCAVATION AND BACKrILL Of UNDtR6RO1JND TANKS backfill is to top of tank. After backfill to top of f. No tank, that showsany evidence of a leak is to be `6 <br /> tank, fill tank with water until completion of kept in the system. Any damage incurred to the tank - p <br /> A. EXcAVA?IONSt Excavate only to the depths required by the installation. Caution - Ballast level must never exceed during the installation will be the Contractor'. #& <br /> lana, Y Company p• unexpected water or backfill level in the hole during installation. responsibility The Coapany Rep. is to be notified , <br /> p or as in.tructed b Con an Ra I1 ane ectad vaNt q of any dew s end will deteralne the course of Action <br /> conelitton or rock 1s encountered, immediately contact the Do not remove ballast until tank slab has been poured. Y w ,. <br /> a Company Rep. for instructions be Co re proceeding with the (DO NOT SET SUBMERSIBLE PUMP WMR UNTIL BALLAST WATER t0 b* followed. <br /> excavation, HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM TANK) . , e <br /> 4. INTERNAL MEASUREMENTS Internal Diameter measurement. <br /> 1. TANK HOLE SItE IN STABLE SOIL: Sire excavation perimeter 1,8 TANK HOLD-DOWNS (Tie Downs) are to be taken at the fill and the remote pump openings,to allow 24" minimum between tanks and 24" minimum on awry RepFRF., <br /> tis r The Contractor, witnessed and by the <br /> .between tank sides and end ce • and the wall of the tank A. Install hold-down "loge" at all locations with known water Company Rap., Ss responsible for making and recording on <br /> D conditions and at those locations where water is found during a form provided by the Coompanyr the required _ <br /> hole. tank installations. Refer to "Tank Hold-Down" fabrication and measurements. The first set of measurements is to be <br /> 2, TANK HOLE SEES IN UNSTABLE SOIL: Unstable soil is defined installation requirements of those specifications. taken prior to mmursd,] any backfill takAroen <br /> the tank. Tris <br /> as having less than 750 lbs./sq.ft. cohesion, as me set of ssasurements is to be taken wish the - <br /> calculated from an unconfined compression Cast, or dolls 7,1 UNDERGROUND TANKS backfill has reached subgrade (prior to pouring the <br /> with an 41timate bearing capacity of leen than 3,500 concrete slab). <br /> lbs./@q.ft, Loose *and, muck, bog, peat, swamp or A. MATERIALS: fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) storage tanks - <br /> landfill whore soil is soft ata generally considered as supplied by the Owner are to be installed by Contractor in <br /> s. If the dlEfur*n<a between any 2 sets o[ readings is <br /> unstable soil*, accordance with the plans and specifications and g9reater than 1-1/4" stop the job. The Company Rep. y <br /> manufacturer's recommendations. is to be notified and will detaming, the course of <br /> a. site excavation perimeter to allow 24" minimum action that will be followed. tl <br /> between tanks and a minimum of halt the tank diameter 2.2 HANDLING OF PRP TAN" - <br /> between the tank sides/and caps and the wall of the 2.4 DOUBLE WALL FRP TANK INSTALLATION <br /> tank hole. A, LIFTING A MOVING: When lifting or moving an PRP tank, always <br /> use properly sized equipment and lift by lifting lug(@). On A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: For a double wall tank, all the <br /> b. Filter febris Will be used to lino tank hole in large tanks, greater than B' diameter, u@a a spreaAer bar to specifications for a single wall tank installation shall be p <br /> unstable *oil. ensure a lift angle of at least 45 degrees, at each lifting lolloved, in addition to the requirements listed below. <br /> I <br /> ug. <br /> c. permanent shoring may be used to stabilize the wall, B. HANDLING: The Contractor is responsible for off-loading the WWI 4�� h ea"ej Ye.a N <br /> of the tank hole, at the discretion of the Contractor B. 1. Never roll or use cables or chains around an FRP tan(,. tanks from the delivery vehicle. A crane or backhoe of w0 m S r , 5 , O N- (SAIL 0r 6'z O of d tt 11 <br /> and,/or Company Rep. 2f permanent shoring le used, Sat on smooth ground, free of rocks and foreign objects. sufficient lifting capacity suet be used. The weight of the <br /> follow "Stable Soil" site criteria. Refer to Exception: Tank can be rolled up to 90 degrees on a double,wall PRP tank Ss approximately 5000-6000 Lbs. WES1E AN AHOION <br /> "Alternate 86ckfill Materials" below. smooth clean surface when performing the "pre-installa- LOS MGELtS "INUAINO CENTER r <br /> tion" pressure tent. C. PRE-INSTALLATION PRESSURE TEST, AIR: <br /> 3. DEPTH Of TANK HOLB: Contractor is responsible for 1. PRIMARY (INNER) TANK TSSTt Tighten all tank fittings. CA. 900 i7. <br /> establishing the tank holo depth, considering the length C. CHOCKING: Tants are to be chocked In accordance with <br /> of piping runs, !o the pump blocks end vent rise the D Pe manufacturer' recoamendatlon until ready for inelahat ion. Loo <br /> Ats a pressure gauge !n the vent/monitor fitting in <br /> burial depth, yard slope and the following criteria: If windy conditions exist or are expected, anchor tanks using the secondarryy (outer) tank. Locate a second pressure <br /> (Measure at the Remote Pump opening) . minimum 1/2" nylon or hasp rope over each tank and secure to gAugo at a lifting in the sanvapp and connect the air <br /> stakes of adequate size to prevent movement of the tanks. Pressure home to this same fitting. PresaULia* the <br /> A. A minimum of lis o! backtill material Is required prima (inner) tank to a minimum 4 psi, saklaum 5 psi. xy es`d{. r <br /> under CM tanks. D. OPENINGS, All tanks at shippgd with dust covers in each Monitor the pressure gauges a minimum of 1/2 hour. P 04MOA ' 7Oms ) <br /> opening, Dust covems ere to remain in each opening until <br /> ' b. The minikum depth of cover for FAD tanks Ir<2'0,/and ready for the pre-imnatallati0n pressure teat. Replace dust 2. SECONDARY (OUTER) TAKE TLST: Leave the pressure on the <br /> the Maximum is Ito• (not to be exceeded). covers after this test had boon completed. primary tank. US1z1g a t;exlble air hoes senSLOld, Dnzrp i+Q l2U 71.d l;R REv s <br /> connect the air pressure home, from the primary tank to OAAA% J, P QS�r�KK1�S /�; ; <br /> the secondary tank. This manifold hoes Should be 2QS#ti,1.-04 I <br /> connected to the vent/monitor fitting that doom not : C"(CKM ,j tlr e'Lr <br /> contain the air Pressurs gaugo. Clone the valveto the > <br /> pprimary tank and dlsconnwt the air supply. Preesurire <br /> the Secondary tank by peeing the valve in the manifold t <br /> _ syetu. soap the anti:* ,= and alk fittings. <br /> r <br /> MJM 3 <br />