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Alpha Analytical Laboratories Inc. <br /> <br /> WATERS,SEDIMENTS,SOLIDS <br /> Homeowner Expanded Analyses Package <br /> Collection Procedures: Sample from a sink in the house or a spigot close to the well head, never from a hose. <br /> If the tap has an aerator, it should be removed. Sterilize the sampling point with flame or bleach, and then <br /> flush for 2 minutes. Fill up the provided bottles, being certain to fill the clear plastic bottle with the banded <br /> cap to slightly over the 100ml-fill line. Keep the samples on ice during transport to the laboratory. <br /> Arsenic(As)by EPA 200.9 CDPH regulates a maximum of.01 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Boron (B) by EPA 200.7 EPA has no drinking water guidelines. For agricultural purposes, <br /> below 0.5 mg/L is satisfactory for all crops. Many sensitive crops <br /> are affected by 0.5 mg/Lā€”2.0 mg/L, and only tolerant crops produce <br /> yields in the 2.0 mg/Lā€”10.0 mg/L range. <br /> Ca&Mg(Hardness)by SM2340B Soft=0 to 50mg/L Medium =50 to 100mg/L <br /> Hard = 100 to 200mg/L Very Hard=>200mg/L <br /> Conductivity by SM2510B <900 umhos/cm is acceptable,while>900 umhos/cm indicates that <br /> the water is very high in dissolved minerals. <br /> Iron (Fe) by EPA 200.7 CDPH suggests a maximum of.30 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Manganese(Mn) by EPA 200.7 CDPH suggests a maximum of.05 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Sodium (Na) by EPA 200.7 No official guidelines. The American Heart Association suggests a <br /> maximum of 20.0 mg/L for sodium restricted diets. <br /> Nitrate(as NO3) by EPA 300.0 CDPH regulates a maximum of 45.0 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Nitrite(as N) by EPA 300.0 CDPH regulates a maximum of 1.0 mg/L for public water systems <br /> pH by SM4500 Acidic= under 6.5/6.5ā€”8.0=acceptable/Alkaline=over 8.0 <br /> Total Dissolved Solids by SM2540C CDPH suggests a maximum of 500 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Sulfate by EPA 300.0 CDPH suggests a maximum of 250 mg/L for public water systems <br /> Total Coliform and E-Coli Absent/Absent= No coliforms detected. Ideal for treated water. <br /> by SM9223 Colisure Present/Absent=Total coliform bacteria was detected, and the <br /> water is potentially unsafe, and suitable to disinfect. <br /> Present/Present= E-Coli bacteria present, and the water is unsafe. <br />