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AlphaAnalytical Laboratories Inc. e-mail: <br /> BACTERIA INFORMATION <br /> We test for one type of bacteria at Alpha Analytical Laboratories, Inc. <br /> That type is known as Coliform Bacteria. Coliform describes a large grouping <br /> of several species of bacteria. In the type of testing we do, we refer to Total <br /> Coliform and Fecal Colifomi. Total coliform tests are done to indicate if the <br /> potential exist for the types of bacteria, that can cause disease. Coliform <br /> Bacteria are not in themselves pathogenic (cause disease), but if coliform <br /> bacteria are present in your water, then it can be assumed that at least the <br /> potential exists for pathogens to also be present. <br /> We also test for fecal coliform bacteria. Fecal coliform refers to a single <br /> species of bacteria, Escherichia coli. If fecal coliform bacteria are present in <br /> your well, it means that fecal matter from a warm-blooded source is present. <br /> Fecal matter is a common source of the specific types of bacteria that can cause <br /> disease, so you can see what a potentially dangerous situation exists if fecal <br /> coliform bacteria are in your water system. <br /> If you wish more specific information concerning pathogenic bacteria in <br /> drinking water, please call your local public health department. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Alpha Analytical Laboratories, Inc. <br /> Robbie C. Phillips <br /> President <br /> Corporate: 208 Mason St., Ukiah, CA 95482- Phone: (707)468-0401 - Fax: (707) 468-5267 <br /> Service Center: 6398 Dougherty Rd., Suite 3, Dublin, CA 94568- Phone: (925) 828-6226- Fax: (925)828-6309 <br />