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BIOREMEDIATION: .OV,ERVIEW .AND WORKPLAN ALTERNATIVES. <br /> Years-:of r.esear-ch and 't'housands of applications around the <br /> world by government and industry have confirmed that <br /> common, non-pathogenicrba'c:te'ria=and fungi are capable of <br /> the thoraugh -aerobic degradation .(-mineralization) .of many s <br /> anthropogenic compounds- °including- -fuel hydrocarbons , <br /> solvents, ..,and some., pesticides. -As' aerobic degradation . ends_ <br /> in the formation o.f carbon _dioxide, minerals, And . water, <br /> complete destruction -of ,contaminants' achieved. - In <br /> addition, -biologic-al .d_eto_xification processes :have proven a <br /> -:ao be: cost effective=f freque_ tly affording _savings of 30�,- _ <br /> or .More; when compared �to other treatment -.and disposal <br /> methods . <br /> The science upon which .,bi.ological detox fication..is_ based <br /> is..:itself.-found upon knowled'ge of °the chemical ,-and physical_ <br /> changes that. .o-ccur in compounds °(most often pet,roleum:.axid <br /> petroleum -products) which- hive .:entered, the environment. as- <br /> pollutants . <br /> While changes in the °.composi=tion. of : polluting_ '.hydrocarbon- <br /> mixtures .are both-c'hemically and ,b ologica11y Induced, <br /> biological--"(microbial ) ::'degradation plays�a major_ role in <br /> this process _.(known as-,weaf1 ering) . Although the complete' <br /> ..,breakdown .of hydrocarbon materials- into: carbon dioxide, <br /> water, -and minerals i5.; theor:etica1ly-- possible °under <br /> virtually_:a.11--circumstances_; petroleum hydrocarbons are . <br /> very compl-ex=--mixtures 6ontafni ing 'large :number of °alicycl:ic , <br /> aroma tic, . and other com:;pouhds : Gasoline, for instance,. may <br /> _.. <br /> contain 200 such compounds And- crude ' oiU many -thousands . <br /> As each.of. these compounds`•`=p�ossess'distinct` physical and _ <br /> chemical characteristics they differ--in-their- -capacity to <br /> serve a=s microbi�al�'.: substrates (i:'e. be utilized °by, = v - <br /> - microorganisms as-. sources.=of carbon' and energy) :within a <br /> given environmen:t . . in - addit�_ian', `the physical 'state,. of the <br /> pollutants ; environmental' 6"' availability of <br /> oxygen 1.and nutrients (,,particular:'ly- nitrogen, phosphorus , <br /> pota', and/oz iron). "sign`if cant°1 y: impact the::rate of- <br /> pollutant -degradation. �- <br /> C1 early the- .fate' offuel hydrocarbon- contaminant-s within a <br /> given -habitat. will depend' on--the <br />,_.of abiotic parameters <br /> ..parti-cular t-o that habitat, .fwith.Vthe'.:interact ons of - . <br />