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, 68Y26/1998 21:48 209831' 16 <br /> CITY (7F TRACY � PAGE 83 <br /> f}1'l?1311'a`+t 14: 115 1'.,U'383�2 WRiGHT EJAVIf;t]1-lhj6i(_ ta,. <br /> 4R:ld/41lS trRsU lei: 10 tAA cvM Vvo 4uvt !'Va 11 *W •.•� <br /> moms 13975 <br /> AVC --Bid 114ft <br /> >ylemcnt <br /> X.Alliam Mill <br /> 1jazavalml Cc(Q+161 <br /> Thm]IINM(TI) <br /> i <br /> Zinc Zq} <br /> 1E.Z'XttM5 AND CONDI'1 OMS <br /> The}blow named gcncrgtor(Generattarl almii tu the following termit and tum4itiopl('Ferret and Crariimiom)for tmbirtlent andlor dlapoaal of waste <br /> et the Forward.l,•%:.(Forwat%l)L.tindFlll. <br /> 1 Gcrnttrxtor wxrraals that the,thove.attAcht'd,and nny other rtubmipcd waltC mala;in6nnatirin is corr+plosc Vnd accurate rind Ula(none of fhc <br /> wain is huaaftlOug as 4c5raed or listed irk 4r1 CVR part 261 or Title 22 of the California C(%k of Rsgulstiorrs,with the erioopoon.of art m3Al*pn+ptrty <br /> dcxeribcd above. Il'Arty poteioa of this wdite,iii her than ast esto)oroperly desetlM dCdetrnined Ira be harartimm(Nilerdous Waste) <br /> acctrding t4i any of the above misritiort4d seSulanuas,each parry*hall promptly notify the othawin writing upon laantlau of such dwarerninateo". <br /> Within 10 days after rccoivitsg such written netillogiort,ocrarrator at its 1010 coast shall removo Avrn the Porwtald LathdRll,11wispart.a1,d dispow,orf- <br /> sitC auCh liuxsrdoue warts in accMi%rkCc with ttpplleibie,l aws grd reeulwhonc. It Generator fall!to rtlCgvc such l�sLtrdoos wa nte,1'orwrrd tarry do <br /> so at its option,at'QCnt:r tt&s*ole coat. Within 30 41bya atm touch reincival openttlo+i is ctatnpbm,l20rw4r4;hall retvnd OvAtrnent/dispoasl fees pre-i. <br /> uuvly paid conrceiiing the HarKrdout Warts,lasts 30 percent of disponi(fee handling charge plus T ght of ot'faet fat 103tits utd MU irwurred ret+pect- <br /> ,nL such Heaatdous wou,,(suotn offiwt right shall not limit rorward's othcf risbu of recovery). <br /> 2. (Aiterato,agrcCY(bat,in the event Generator.its CQ13vultant or IES contracior learrla(hair Coagidtoenta,chirSGteTtf,iCS,or eonecnrsaUane regarding <br /> rhe wast*v.ry from tfiose sit forth in this waste profile or on arty itttachcd of submitted dorulleritb.acnrratof will inrrrtediately subTWt i corrected <br /> Wast(:)rtofile Form <br /> i, Ueetnratnr warrants that arty asbestos daiiuem4 to the Forwncd Landfill has been properly described above sate will lie rrMli rcd for gran portanen <br /> to*^tl dispose)at the Forwaro landAU in comp!wee with applicable rcgulxtury tcquirerhaout <br /> d Gnneootof shall in4cmrufy,defend,and held harmleu Forward,its afTllistag,tt*rd their successon and sixign%and tticir icsgective oMcas,direr, <br /> LpfN.cm910YVC3.a#ePL1,and r'e[1r6untativci aldnAt any arid ala clltifrtl.trr4n.tixbiiltlea,judgtnents.,rc4on.,!iotas,regulatory direCti-es.fccv.costs <br /> (including aflumvys'.txperls'ue.d rm"Ault4nM'(ell mid coats),penaltietr.tinbP,taxes.tuui liens(collacttveiy.Liabilities),to the extent xigirc(rein: a <br /> bavach of any warranty or obUgatior of C14noriuorhamuitidtr non-comptiatace with apptiaable lowalregulAtions,w negtigertcu,or wiljful misconduct <br /> rOcardIng the wsate.cached by C3eeer&W,its conanitants orcorlitWorc.or their respective employees,At'trkti.MPre"ntafive oe AUbnontrncton;or <br /> any or all or 13ancratar i waste whirl,is RUGNoU3 Waste. <br /> S. 'Ponuard*(tall igdnrnnify,dafatd tiled hold harrxlpse Ocrictator.its airfnila,a■.41641 them*atuccslets and asaigna,and their mspeedve effloara.dlrec- <br /> ton.crnployeaa,agenls and rerm"ttri6vt1 agilittet my and an the wont arl*Ing from*than-o0rnplieacr with applicable Iawsheet+ia- <br /> ttpns,or ncgiigenee;or wlllfus tni%ondude rCgArdio;the:weatd(not including 1iasardtm3 Waute),calaated by Fotward,its consultants,or erntructer'a <br /> of their respective crvploycty,agents,rtprolonubvea or subc:vnuactvr7. <br /> F The L*ndflll natui be notif<d no less(bar 24 hours in advance for Warta dellvtrics. Thr Landfllr'a oWating hours tars hr>nc 7:00 3.A 4:30 p,rn- <br /> Monday through Fritkty,and 1:00 11'30 I.M.un SetuAtlys. Arrastgaments cath be rrlxdc to extend lbs Lvidflll's*,ours.No waere will he <br /> accavrod when weather o-1,6n4Mll 000ditiuoa/aeltlset impar delivrrlcs,hltndling or disposal-penirratw scinowlisdPA malt Forward's-XIMtattee of <br /> waste,.�uhject to nguiatory roquirtatrents,sail that pommd shalt hays nn untAity for inubiliry to accept wista due to,regulatory requue"rim ur <br /> rustriction"repardlrsa of aauSL. <br /> 7. No wuslc will be accepted by Forward until Fgrwaad Tice received a campltied WULC PrvnW Porta,eras issued an bpprovat TIO r-rand has <br /> received a Aignod Payment Terra*Cvrtuaot. Perward.Cao wept additional wattfe frnm DettWattat which is related to the watatc%Mitm or waste <br /> retrive{ Job desu•ihcd to Section#A,D above but which arcs not`tmA01451y approval flu aloe w011l(Adtlitiortai Weata).These Terms tind <br /> r:nrtdl3lon5 shall apply to Additional waatre,except Additiorutl Waste for which F0rwird rsgnrires subtttistion of a aaparzte si11tic4 Waste <br /> ?T6fila FQ0n <br /> g Califnrrlit T,ew shtil govern thele TcrMs sed Conditions. If any action or pcoceedtng atibcs rgvding o claim concerning these leans an <br /> Conditions or is brnughl to enfarec Or ilttirpret d odp Terrill grid C9ltMontl the.prtvailing Party 0411 be endued CO MCvef iu altorrWys'and apart" <br /> feae Intl oast%,whrthw of not prowituled to}adlirt WIL <br /> Tisa G>E;NEIRATOR ACKNOWLEDGES THAT Ira'HAS READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE PRECEDING TEOMS <br /> AND <br /> CQNi7(TjQNS AKD AGREES TO THE SAME,AND THE PERSON SIGNINC BELOW WARRANTS THAT HE15HE 11.5 <br /> AUTHOMED TO SIGN FOR THE GENSKATOR- o F <br /> CrepaeratAr Nalatb: ~ <br /> By(Print rTaracr)' S <br /> Slp;r►tlturct � � ��� �" <br /> Au irt*v, <br /> �4 <br />