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' 31 July,1996 <br /> • AGE-NC Protect No 95-0105 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> ' elevations are depicted in Table 1 - Relative Ground Water Elevation A thin sheen of free product <br /> was present in MW-4, however an MMC interface probe was unable to measure the product <br /> thickness <br /> After water levels were measured, a two-stage submersible pump was used to surge and purge each <br /> well Ten gallons of water were removed from MW-1 and MW-2 (mimmum of three well volumes) <br /> ' At the request of the PHS-EHD,thirty gallons of water were removed from MW-3,to redevelop the <br /> well filter pack <br /> v <br /> ' For development purposes,approximately twenty to thirty gallons of water were removed from MW- <br /> 4, MW-5 and MW-6 to diminish the amount of silt content in each filter pack Ground water <br /> ' parameters were measured at two or five-gallon intervals using an ICM water analyzer, until <br /> temperature,pH and conductivity had stabilized (Appendix C) Purged water was stored on-site in <br /> 55-gallon DOT drums <br /> 25 COLLECTION OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> NWater samples were collected from each well using a new disposable plastic bailer Each water <br /> sample was collected in two 40-m1 VOA vials and one 1-liter amber bottle After collection, the <br /> ' samples were properly labeled,placed in a chilled container and transported under chain-of-custody <br /> to MAI laboratory Each sample was analyzed for TPH-g,TPH-d, BTE&X and MTBE in accordance <br /> with EPA methods 503018015m, 5030/8015m, 602 and 602, respectively <br /> 30 FINDINGS <br /> 3 1 SOIL PROFILE <br /> Soil samples collected from wells MW-4, MW-5 and MW-6 during installation consisted of silty <br /> clay from one to seven feet bsg Silty sand was encountered from seven to eight feet bsg in each <br /> well Silty clay and silty sand was present below eight feet bsg in each well Water was encountered <br /> in all borings at approximately 7 feet bsg <br /> 1 3 2 GROUND WATER GRADIENT AND FLOW DIRECTION <br /> ' The relative elevation of ground water in each well was calculated by subtracting the ground water <br /> . depth from the surveyed casing elevation(Table 1) The casing elevations of MW-4,M-5 and MW-6 <br /> were surveyed relative to the existing wells,MW-1,MW-2 and MW-3 had been previously surveyed <br />