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KLEINFELDER <br /> 3 BACKGROUND <br /> 31 HISTORY OF SITE <br /> o t <br /> A gas station was built on the site sometime around 1960 Product was removed from he <br /> tanks in 1980 Four underground storage tanks were used, two 1,000-gallon, one 6,000- <br />' ' gallon, and one 8,000-gallon Product was pumped from all of these tanks in 1980 and all <br /> four tanks were removed in 1988 After the tanks were removed, the pits were partially <br /> backfilled with soil excavated from the tank area <br /> 3 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS <br /> staff, soil and round water samples <br />� During tank removal and under the direction SdLHD g p <br /> li were taken from each excavation Soil samples were collected at a depth of 15 feet from <br /> beneath the tanks, which were 7 feet below ground water Water samples were taken from <br /> the uncleaned bucket of a backhoe used to excavate the pets In both cases, the sampling <br /> technique was not based on accepted standards, and these results are of questionable value <br /> The significant data from the analyses are summarized below <br /> Parameter Small Pit Large Pit <br /> Soil Samples- <br /> Benzene ND ND <br /> Toluene ND ND <br /> Xylene ND 0 7 mg/kg <br /> ITotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons 18 mg/kg ND <br /> Water Samples- <br /> Benzene 3 8 mg/1 0 06 mg/1 + <br /> ' Toluene 7 2 mg/1 0 09 mg/1 <br /> Xylene 18.0 mg/1 12 mg/1 �. �.�c I <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 30 0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l L''� �-�• k,,.�- <br /> Some of the tanks had holes and one tank's seam ruptured during removal. This means <br /> that during removal there was a high probability that any product remaining in the tanks <br /> would leak out and fall to the bottom of the excavation. Since the water table is <br /> approximately 6 feet below the ground surface, the soil samples collected at a depth of 15 <br /> 121-88-1108 4 <br />