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KLEINFELDER <br /> 4 SITE INFORMATION <br /> 4.1 NEARBY STREET AND PROPERTIES <br /> The site is on a business strip in the City of Tracy and is owned by Mr Bill Jordan A <br /> residential area is located immediately south of the site Parker Avenue and West <br /> Grantline Road border the site on the west and north respectively A business adjoins the <br /> site on the east <br /> ' 4 2 LOCAL GEOLOGY <br /> Depth to ground water is approximately 6 feet. Based on a ground water investigation <br /> conducted at a neighboring property, ground water is expected to flow north Soils within <br /> the top 20 feet are alternating Iayers of clay, silty-clay, sandy-clay, sand, and silty-sand This <br /> information is from a ground water investigation conducted by Kleinfelder at the nearby <br /> Food and I..iquor Store 37, 15 East Grantline Road, Tracy, California This facility is <br /> approximately 2,500 feet east of the Jordan site <br /> ' 121-88-1108 6 <br />