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kNNI KLEINFELDER <br /> approximately 6 feet below the ground surface, the soil samples collected at a depth of 15 <br /> feet would be influenced by ground water contamination Water samples were collected <br /> from water that had collected at the bottom of the excavations. A backhoe bucket was <br /> used to collect the sample. Sampling errors inherent with this procedure are 1) water in <br /> ' the excavation may have been contaminated with fluid that leaked from the tanks during <br /> removal and therefore may not be representative of local ground water, 2) the backhoe <br /> bucket was not steam cleaned before collecting the water sample and contaminants <br /> adhering to the inside of the bucket could easily bias the sample <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> r <br /> r113-$5-915 5 <br />