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The composite characterization samples will be collected from the stockpiled soil by <br /> . # i selecting random locations accessible around the soil pile, removing approximately six <br /> inches of soil, and driving a clean brass sleeve into the soil pile at the selected location. The <br /> number of samples collected will be based on the estimated amount of stockpiled soil. <br /> Generally, one composite soil sample is collected per 50 or 100 cubic yards of soil. The <br /> samples collected will be prepared and chilled for transport under Chain-of-Custody <br /> protocol, and sent to a State-certified laboratory for the analyses requested. <br /> 4.0 GROUNDWATER DEPTH EVALUATION <br /> Depth to groundwater will be measured to the nearest 0.01-foot using an electronic hand- <br /> held water level indicator. The tip of the probe will be examined to evaluate whether <br /> separate-phase hydrocarbon (SPH) sheen was present. <br /> 5.0 MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENTIPURGING AND SAMPLING <br /> Following installation, the wells will be surged with a surge block to remove fines from the <br /> sand pack. After surging, groundwater will be purged from each well using a bailer or <br /> centrifugal pump to remove sediment and enhance representative sample quality. <br /> Groundwater sampling events conducted after the initial well development will be preceded <br /> by purging a minimum of three well casing volumes as described above. Purge water will <br /> be monitored for the parameters temperature, pH, and conductivity until stabilized. Wells <br /> will be allowed to recharge to 80% before sampling. If wells dewater, they will be allowed to <br /> recharge for a minimum of one hour prior to sampling. <br /> After the water levels within the wells stabilized, a sample will be collected with a clean <br /> disposable bailer. Samples will be contained in air-tight vials, packed on ice, and <br /> transported to the laboratory for analysis. Groundwater samples will be transported to the <br /> laboratory and analyzed within the EPA-specified holding time for requested analyses. <br /> Each sample container submitted for analysis will have a label affixed to identify the job <br /> number, sample date, time of sample collection, and a sample number unique to that <br /> sample. Samples will be analyzed by a California-certified laboratory <br /> A Chain-of-Custody form will be used to record possession of the sample from time of <br /> collection to its arrival at the laboratory. When the samples are shipped, the person in <br /> custody of them will relinquish the samples by signing the Chain-of-Custody form and <br /> noting the time. The Sample Control Officer at the laboratory will then verify the sample <br /> integrity and confirm that the sample was collected in the proper container, preserved <br /> correctly, and that there is an adequate volume for analysis. <br /> 6.0 WELLHEAD TOP OF CASING MEASUREMENT <br /> The top of each new well riser will be surveyed to allow correlation of the groundwater <br /> levels at the site. The surveyed point on each well riser will be marked to help insure future <br /> groundwater level measurements are taken from the same location. All measurements will <br /> be surveyed to the nearest 0.01-foot relative to a surveyed benchmark for Global <br /> Positioning System (GPS) locations (X and Y coordinates) and elevations (Z coordinates). <br /> Project No. 1463-11 B -2 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. <br />