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1 <br /> Table 1 <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Data y <br /> Beacon Station No,641 ` <br /> 1210 E Hammer Lane,Stockton,Cahfonua <br /> Well Date I TPHg B T E X MTBE DIPE ETRE TAME TBA Meth. Eth Depth to TOC GW <br /> Nmnber ugIL uWL ugIL n n u ugIL u ugtL ugj ugj ugj GW Elevation Elevation Comments <br /> MW-5 10/02/97 87,000 21,000 10,000 2,000 10,000 3,800 <5 0 <5 0 <5 0 <500 <50000 <10000 5733 9958 4225 no sheen,no odor <br /> screen 03/31/98 10,000 2,100 1,500 270 710 530 na na na na na na 4919 5039 no sheen, odor <br /> interval 06/10/98 3,100 510 470 45 310 180 na na na na na na 4622 5336 no sheen, odor <br /> 50'-75' 09/08/98 24,000 6,500 1,000 920 1,400 4,500 <2 5 Q 5 34 48 3,600 <25 4955 5003 no sheen, odor <br /> 12/30/98 340 32 <25 29 Q 5 980 na na na na na na 4410 5548 no sheen, odor <br /> 03/25/99 540 100 18 12 36 280 <10 <10 <10 <100 <50 <50 4147 5811 odor/no sheen, <br /> SW-1 10/02/97 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5657 nm nm ns <br /> screen 03/31/98 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5123 nm n$ <br /> Interval 06/10/98 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 4594 nm ns <br /> 601-01 09/08/98 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 4926 nm ns <br /> 12/30/98 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 4399 nm ns <br /> 03/25/99 1 90 <050 071 <0 50 053 71 <0 50 <0 50 055 <5 0 <50 <5 0 4195 nm shght odor 1 no sheen <br /> VW-1 screened 44'to 54' <br /> 03/25/99 20,000 4,000 2,000 900 1,700 3 000 <5 0 <50 <5 0 <5 0 <50 640 4170 nm shght odor/no sheen <br /> VW-2 screened 21'to 36' <br /> 03/25/99 1 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns dry well d 34 82' <br /> VW-3 screened 45'to 55' <br /> 03/25/99 1 33,000 1,600 8,100 1,800 5,400 660 <50 <5 0 <5 0 140 <50 <50 4207 nm sl!&ht odor/no sheen <br /> VW4 screened 25'to 40' <br /> 03/25/99 1 Its ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns dry well dry@ 3918' <br /> VW-7 screened 40'to 55' <br /> 03/25/99 1 5,000 5,700 3,300 1,500 1,700 2,000 <50 <50 <5 0 200 <50 <5 0 4167 nm AELt odor/no sheen <br /> VW-8 screened 22'to 32' <br /> 03/25/99 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns dry well d 3175' <br /> Notes <br /> TPHg=total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline The seven oxygenated fuel additive compounds by EPA Method 8260B pg/L= micrograms per liter=parts per billion(ppb) <br /> B=benzene MTBE=methyl tertiary-butyl ether TBA=tertiary butyl alcohol OW=Groundwater <br /> T=toluene RIPE=di-isopropyl ether Meth =methanol TOC=Top Of Casing <br /> E=ethylbenzene ETBE=ethyl tertiary butyl ether Eth.=ethanol na=not analyzed <br /> X=xylenes TAME=tertiary amyl methyl ether Depths and Elevations recorded in feet <br /> 99gmtbl 641 Page 2 of 2 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC <br />