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ATTACHMENT A -ULTRAMAR FLELD PROCEDURES <br /> The followipg section describes procedures used by field personnel in the performance of ground water sampling at <br /> Ultramar Inc sites <br /> Ground Water Level and Total Depth Determination <br /> A water level indicator is lowered down the well and a measurement of the depth to water from an established <br /> reference point on the casing is taken The indicator probe is used to sound the bottom of the well and a measurement <br /> of the total depth of the well is taken Both the water level and total depth measurements are taken to the nearest 0 01- <br /> foot <br /> Visual Analysis of Ground Water <br /> Prior to purging and sampling ground water monitoring wells, a water sample is collected from each well for <br /> subjective analysis The visual analysis involves gently lowering a clean, disposable, polyethylene bailer to <br /> approximately one-half the bailer length past the water table Interface The bailer is then retrieved, and the sample <br /> contained within the bailer is examined for floating product or the appearance of a petroleum product sheen If <br /> measurable free product is noted in the bailer, a water/product interface probe is used to determine the thickness of <br /> the free product to the nearest 0 01-foot The thickness of free product is determined by subtracting the depth to <br /> product from the depth to water <br /> Monitoring Well Purging and Sampling <br /> Monitoring wells are purged by removing approximately four casing volumes of water from the well using a clean <br /> disposable bailer or electrical submersible purge pump Purge volumes are calculated prior to purging During <br /> purging, the temperature, pH, and electric conductivity of the purge water are monitored The well is considered to <br /> be sufficiently purged when The four casing volumes have been removed, the temperature, pH, and conductivity <br /> values have stabilized to within 10% of the initial readings, and the ground water being removed is relatively free of <br /> suspended solids After purging, ground water levels are allowed to stabilize to within 80% of the initial water level <br /> reading A water sample is then collected from each well with a clean, disposable polyethylene bailer If the well <br /> is bailed or pumped dry prior to removing the minimum volume of water, the ground water is allowed to recharge <br /> If the well has recharged to within 80% of the initial depth to water reading within two hours, the well will continue <br /> to be purged until the minimum volume of water has been removed If the well has not recharged to at least 80% of <br /> the initial depth to water reading within two hours, the well is considered to contain formational water and a ground <br /> water sample is collected Ground water removed from the well is stored in 55-gallon drums at the site and labeled <br /> pending disposal <br /> In wells where free product is detected, the wells will be bailed to remove the free product An estimate of the <br /> volume of product and water well be recorded If the free product thickness is reduced to the point where a <br /> measurable thickness is no longer present in the well, a ground water sample will be collected If free product persists <br /> throughout the purging process, a final free product thickness measurement will be taken and a ground water sample <br /> will not be collected <br /> Ground water samples are stored in 40-milliliter vials so that air passage through the sample is minimized (to prevent <br /> volatilization of the sample) The vial is tilted and filled slowly until an upward convex meniscus forms over the <br /> mouth of the vial The Teflon"" side of the septum (in cap) Is then placed against the meniscus, and the cap is <br /> screwed on tightly The sample is then inverted and the bottle is tapped lightly to check for air bubbles If an air <br /> bubble is present in the vial, the cap is removed and more sample is transferred from the bailer The vial is then <br /> resealed and rechecked for air bubbles The sample is then appropriately labeled and stored on ice from the time of <br /> collection through the tune of delivery to the laboratory The Chain-of-Custody form is completed to ensure sample <br /> integrity Ground water samples are transported to a state-certified laboratory and analyzed within the U S <br /> Environmental Protection Agency-specified hold times for the specified analytes <br />