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L.0 11.0 %MI <br /> La City of Stockton A68107.07A <br /> May 29, 1996 Page S <br /> L advanced to the greatest depth at which PPCs were detected with field screening in soil <br /> probe SP-1 or to within three feet of the groundwater depth, whichever occurs first. Soil <br /> probe SP-4 will be advanced at an angle of approximately 30 degrees from vertical in a <br /> LA southerly direction to collect soil samples beneath the fire house building. A cross section <br /> showing the orientation of soil probe SP-1 and SP-4 to the former UST location is shown <br /> on Drawing 3. <br /> If field screening indicates the presence of PPCs in soil probes SP-2, SP-3, and/or SP-4, <br /> additional data will be needed to complete the assessment of the lateral extent of PPC <br /> migration. Contingency soil probe location(s) will be used to further assess PPC lateral <br /> migration in the soil. These contingency soil probe locations would be "stepped out" away <br /> from the presumed source to collect additional data for PPC concentration attenuation and <br /> regarding the extent of PPC migration in soil. In the event evidence in the field indicates <br /> the need for these contingency soil probes, their proposed locations are shown on Drawing <br /> 2, <br /> k. <br /> After completion of sampling, the soil probe holes will be backfilled with a cement slurry <br /> (grout). The grout is pumped into the open probe hole as the probe sampler is withdrawn. <br /> �' The grout will be placed in one continuous operation from the bottom to the top of the <br /> probe hole. Decontamination rinsate of sampling tools will be used in mixing the backfill <br /> grout. <br /> 4.1.2 Groundwater Investigation: A groundwater sample will be collected after collecting <br /> the final soil sample from soil probe SP-1's location. The soil sampler is removed from the <br /> end of the probe and a groundwater sampler attached. The groundwater sampler contains <br /> a 41-inch screen with 0.004-inch slots. The groundwater sampler will then be advanced <br /> �. approximately 36 inches into the groundwater. Then the probe tool string is retracted <br /> approximately 40 inches exposing the screen. The groundwater sample will be collected <br /> from within the screen by lowering a stainless-steel bailer into the groundwater. The bailer <br /> will then be retrieved and the groundwater sample decanted into appropriate sample <br /> containers (i.e., 40 milliliter vials and/or 1 liter brown-glass jars). The groundwater sample <br /> will represent the top 3 feet of the groundwater. Groundwater samples will be handled <br /> L, consistent with our SOPS. <br /> Groundwater samples will be submitted for laboratory testing consistent with the analytical <br /> La methods outlined in Section " 4.2 Laboratory Testing Program". The analytical results of <br /> groundwater samples collected are expected to provide data on the presence or absence of <br /> PPCs in groundwater beneath the former UST location. <br /> L.. <br />