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NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY <br /> AGENCY NAME SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> SITE CODE: 0001848 DATE FIRST REPORTED 9114/87 <br /> SITE NAME: Dalwinder Dhoot SUBSTANCE 12036; <br /> ADDRESS: 15600 Harlan Road FEDERAL (N) STATE(Y) <br /> CITY: Lathrop STATE: CA ` ZIP: 95330 y <br /> RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Dalwinder'Llhoot <br /> RESPONSIBLE PARTY CONTACT: Dalwinder Dhoot <br /> ADDRESS: 15600 Harlin Road <br /> CITY: Lathrop STATE; CA ZIP: 95330 <br /> Pursuant to Sections25297.1 and 25297.15 of the Health and Safety Code, you are hereby notified that the <br /> above site has been placed in the Local Oversight Program and the individual(s)or entity(ies)shown aboue,.;or- <br /> on the attached list, has(have):been identified as the party(ies) responsible for investigation and cleanup cif the <br /> above site. Section 25297.15 further requires the primary or active Responsible Party to notify all current <br /> record owners of fee title.before the local agency considers cleanup or site closure proposals or issues a <br /> closure letter. For purposes of implementing section 25297.15, this agency has identified Dalwinder Dhoot <br /> as the phmary or active Responsible Party. -it is the responsibility of the primary or active Responsible Party to <br /> submit a.'letter to this agency within 20 calendar days of receipt of this notice which identifies all current record <br /> owners of flee title: it is also the responsibility of the primary or active Responsible Party to certify to the local <br /> agency that the required notifications have-been made at the time of cleanup or site closure-.proposal is made <br /> or before the local agency(Hakes a determination that no further action is required. If property ownership <br />' changeslin the,future,you must notify this local agency within 20 calendar days-from when you are informed of <br /> the change; <br /> Any action or inaction by'this local agency associated with corrective action, including responsible party <br /> identifOe ion, is subject to petition to the State Water Resources Control Board. Petitions must be filed within <br /> 30 days from the date of the action/inaction."To obtain petition procedures, please FAX your request to the <br /> State 1NAter Board at(916)541-5808 or telephone (916}341-5851: <br /> .a I <br /> Pursuant to Section 25299.37(c)(7)of the Health and Safe Code, a responsible a i <br /> Safety p party may request the <br /> designation of an administering agency when required to conduct corrective action. Please ccmtact Phis office <br /> for further information about the site designation process. ' <br /> 'Contract;�Project Clirector: <br /> ;I q,) <br /> q 4?'3gg9 Date 9// Y ? <br /> Signature elephone Number <br /> I Add: X Reason RESPONSIBLE PARTY,—UST owner and owner of a former underground storage <br /> I <br /> tank:site where an unauthorized release occurred prior to April 25,.-2007. <br /> (NOR REV 01129/99IRECIENED 021161991) <br />