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} <br /> i 4 <br /> s s <br /> 15 December 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br />' Page4of9 - <br />' 3 2 IN-SITU AIR SPARGING SYSTEM PROCEDURES. <br /> S <br /> The,IAS system utilizes,a 5 horsepower, Speedaire (model no 5F229B) electric air compressor to T <br />' ink ect air beneath the water table From the outlet of the air compressor, a manifold network of one <br /> inch diameter, schedule 80 PVC piping was installed underground to the well heads at IAS wells <br /> AW-1 through AW-4(screened 25 to 30 feet bsg)and IAS well MW-4B(screened 45 to 50 feet bsg) <br />' A Wilkerson oil filter (model no M18) and Wilkerson air pressure regulator (model no R28) are <br /> installed at the outlet of the air compressor for added controls The injected air should volatilize <br /> dissolved hydrocarbons in ground water,and force hydrocarbon vapors into the vadose zone,where <br />' they can be withdrawn by the above SVE system <br /> Generally,air pressure was discharged at shallow screened 1AS wells AW-I through AW-4 between <br />' 5 and 7 pounds per square inch (psi), or alternatively discharged to deeper screened well MW-4B <br /> between 13 and 15 psi A liquid-filled, air-guage was installed at each of the above well heads to <br />' monitor air pressure Utilizing a Solmst water level indicator and a YSI-50 dissolved oxygen meter, <br /> quarterly measurements of ground water depth and dissolved oxygen from ground water monitoring <br /> wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-6 were performed to determine if ground water mounding was <br /> lie <br /> occurring as a result of the above IAS activities (Table 6) <br /> On 17 June 2003,Wilkerson air pressure regulators(model no R18)were installed at each well-head <br />' of IAS wells AW-1 through AW-4 and MW-4B and enabled the ability to perform continuous air <br /> sparging at all of the above referenced well heads in the IAS network system <br /> 3 3 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF VAPOR EXTRACTION AIR FLOW SAMPLES <br /> A total of four extracted air flow vapor samples were collected on 24 July, 13 August, 18 September <br /> and 09 October 2003 from the influent stream of the regenerative vacuum blower unit to measure <br /> concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor Effluent vapor samples were not collected this quarter and are <br />' no longer necessary due to the low concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor in the influent stream The <br /> samples were collected-in-Tedlar bagsusing a hand air-vacuum pump <br />' Following sample collection, the samples were properly labeled, placed in a covered container and <br /> transported under chain-of-custody to a McCamb ell Analytical Inc (MAI)DHS-certified laboratory <br /> T <br />' for analysis Each sample was analyzed within 72'hours of collection for TPH-g and BTEX in <br /> accordance with EPA Methods 8015C Modified and 8021B, respectively <br /> IAdvanced GeoEnvironnlental,Inc <br /> I <br />