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25 August 1999 <br /> • AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br /> I <br /> • EPA Method 8260 Modified for TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME and MTBE <br /> The results of the ground water analysis are in Table 3 <br /> 3 0. FINDINGS <br /> r <br /> Laboratory analysts of six soil samples detected TPH-g, BTEX and MTBE in one sample, no other <br /> petroleum hydrocarbon compounds were detected in in any of the analyzed soil samples <br /> AGE was able to determine general ground water flow direction and gradient from ground water <br /> monitoring data Laboratory analysis of nine ground water monitoring well samples detected TPH-g <br /> Iin six samples, BTEX were detected in eight samples, MTBE, DIPE and TBA was detected in four <br /> ground water samples <br /> 3 1 SOIL PROFILE <br /> lGenerally, a brown, moist, very stiff clay with some silt and fine sand was encountered between 10 <br /> feet bsg and 15 feet bsg A brown to pale green/gray, moist to saturated, medium dense to dense, <br /> sand with some silt was generally encountered between 15 feet bsg and 25 feet bsg A pale <br /> green/gray, saturated, medium dense to dense, poorly graded, sand with some silt was generally <br /> encountered at depths between 25 and 30 feet bsg A brown to pale green/gray, moist to saturated, <br /> medium dense,to dense, sand with some silt was generally encountered between 30 feet bsg and 35 <br /> feet bsg A pale green/blue/gray, moist, hard silt with some fine sand and clay was encountered at <br /> 45 feet bsg <br /> Saturatedw - <br /> soil as encountered at 25 feet bsg in borings MW S, ground water levels were measured <br /> from MW-8 and EW-1 at approximately 18 feet bsg utilizing a Solinst water level meter Bonng logs <br /> are included in Appendix A <br /> 32 FIELD EVIDENCE OF HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED SOIL AND GROUND WATER <br /> Petroleum hydrocarbon odor was noted in soil sample duplicates collected from soil boring EW-1 <br /> at depths of 20, 25 and 45 feet bsg, petroleum hydrocarbon vapor {using a PID} were detected in <br /> soil sample duplicates collected from soil borings MW-1 and EW-1 at depths between 20 and 45 feet <br /> bsg <br /> Advanced GeoEnviro nm en Cal,Inc <br />