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I26 September 2002 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br /> IPage 5 of 8 <br /> It= operational period, in hours <br /> Between 11 March 2002 and 11 June 2002,the SVE unit continuously operated approximately 2,208 <br /> I hours The average of analytical results between SVE air flow sampling events (Table 5), average <br /> SVE air flow rates, (Table 6) and the operational period were used to calculate the approximate <br /> volume and mass of extracted gasoline during these periods <br /> IBetween the 11 March, 23 April, 13 May and 11 June 2002 air monitoring events, the mass of <br /> hydrocarbons extracted from the SVE system was calculated to be approximately 69 pounds, or <br /> I equivalent to a volume of approximately 11 gallons of gasoline extracted A plot of the cumulative <br /> volume (gallons) of hydrocarbons extracted to date is in Appendix E Added to the estimated 173 <br /> gallons of hydrocarbons extracted from the SVE system since 16 Apnl 2001, the total volume of <br /> hydrocarbons extracted to date is approximately 185 gallons The mass/volume calculations for <br /> extracted hydrocarbons are included with Appendix F <br /> I Y <br /> 5.0. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> IThe implications from the May 2002 ground water monitoring event are as follows <br /> o Ground water flow direction at the site was generally toward the south-southwest at a <br /> gradient of 0 01 ft/ft or less Due to the low gradient at the site, slight variations in ground <br /> water measurements or changes ofrecharge/discharge of the local ground water could greatly <br /> modify the inferred ground water flow direction <br /> • The decrease of ground water elevation of approximately 0 20 feet between February 2002 <br /> I and May 2002 is probably due to seasonal fluctuation <br /> • The ground water elevations at the site were within the screened Intervals of wells MW-4A, <br /> MW-5,MW-6,MW-7 and MW-8 and slightly above the screened intervals of wells MW-1, <br /> I MW-2 and MW-3, ground water samples from these wells should be representative of <br /> shallow ground water conditions Well MW-4B was "drowned", with water approximately <br /> 25 feet above the screen, and should yield a sample more representative of deeper ground <br />' water conditions <br /> • Ground water elevation data collected on 30 May 2002 was inconclusive regarding potential <br /> Iwater mounding due to air sparging at the site Y <br /> • The elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in samples collected from <br /> wells MW-2, MW-4A and MW-4B indicate that these wells are within the dissolved <br /> petroleum hydrocarbon"core area" of the plume (Figures 4) <br /> IAdvanced GeoEnv3 ron mental,Inc <br />