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' 26 February 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br />' Page 5 of 10 <br />' The rebound response test was initiated at the site on 29 December 2003 by collecting baseline field <br /> vapor measurements at the well-heads of VW-1 through VW-5, MW-4A and from the SVE <br /> remediation system influent Each field measurement was collected in a Tedlar bag using a hand air- <br /> vacuum pump,and measured with an OVA equipped with a photo-ionization detector(PID Thermo <br /> Environmental 580B, 10 0 eV,calibrated to isobutylene) Field vapor measurements are summarized <br /> in Table 7 Following collection of field vapor measurements,the SVE/LAS remediation system was <br />' shut-down, and ground water samples collected from wells MWA, MW-2, MW-4 (A & B) and <br /> MW-6 (Fourth Quarter 2003 ground water monitoring event) <br />' On 28 January 2004,ground water samples were collected from wells MW-1,MW-2,MW-4(A and <br /> B) and MW-6 Thereafter, the SVE/IAS remediation system was re-started, and field vapor <br /> measurements collected at the well-heads of VW-1 through VW-5, MW-4A and from the SVE <br />' remediation system influent Each field measurement was collected in a Tedlar bag using a hand air- <br /> vacuum pump, and measured with an OVA Field vapor measurements are summarized in Table 7 <br /> 5 0. FINDINGS <br />' • AGE determined ground water flow direction and gradient from the field data collected on 29 <br /> December 2003 and on 28 January 2004,the contaminant impact to ground water was assessed from <br />' the laboratory data <br /> From field data collected at the SVE remediation system between 09 October and 29 December <br />' 2003, AGE determined the average TPH-g concentration and the average flow rate and calculated <br /> the approximate mass and volume of hydrocarbons removed <br />' 5 1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT <br />' Between December 2003 and January 2004, the depths to ground water were measured at between <br /> 18 74 and 21 46 feet below the tops of the well casings(Table 2) The December 2003 ground water <br /> elevations at the site were calculated to be between 8 99 feet (MW-7) and 12 05 feet (MW-4B) <br />' below mean sea Ievel,the January 2004 ground water elevations were calculated to be between 9 95 <br /> feet(MW-7) and 11 81 feet(MW-4B)below mean sea level(Table 2), ground water elevations are <br /> depicted in Figures 3 and 4 Generally, ground water elevation at the site increased an average 0 38 <br />' feet between the September 2003 and the December 2003 ground water monitoring events <br /> The December 2003 ground water flow direction at the site was inferred to be southwest, at an <br /> approximate gradient of 0 017 ft/ft (Figure 3), the January 2004 ground water flow direction was <br /> . inferred to be southwest, at an approximate gradient of 0 011 ft/ft (Figure 4) <br /> Advanced Geo Environmental,Inc <br />